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Posted: April 11, 2015 at 7:44 am

Acting now can reduce facial eczema long-term

Hot and muggy conditions this year have provided a timely reminder for dairy farmers to breed a herd that will be more tolerant to facial eczema challenges and have greater resilience to facial eczema long-term.

CRV Ambreeds genetic development strategist Phil Beatson says research and development completed over the past four years by CRV Ambreed and AgResearch resulted in the ability to identify facial eczema tolerant bulls.

Sires now entering CRV Ambreeds progeny test programme are challenged for facial eczema tolerance, and targeted genetics are available to help farmers beat facial eczema long-term.

Beatson says CRV Ambreeds genetics for dairy cattle will typically breed off-spring that are 25% less reactive to a facial eczema challenge, compared to the average bull.

It isnt an overnight fix though. A dose of facial eczema tolerant genetics this season will help minimise the loss of milk production in the progeny in years to come, Mr Beatson said.

Farmers need to consider the genetic option to combat facial eczema, and they need to get on the bus now and stay on that bus.

Cattle in many parts of the North Island and upper South Island were hit by facial eczema this year. Higher humidity increased the number of toxic spores in pastures and resulted in a spike in the number of facial eczema cases.


Scoop Media

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