Eczema news, articles and information:

Posted: March 29, 2016 at 3:42 am

Eczema linked to obesity, higher rates of smoking and drinking 5/27/2015 - Those living with eczema are well aware of the frustrations brought about by the skin condition. The chronic condition, also known as "atopic dermatitis," causes skin to become red and extremely itchy, a bothersome and often embarrassing situation for many people. While common in babies, who may develop... Had eczema for first 7 years of her life, now healed by raw food diet 12/14/2014 - When she was just a baby, Ulla Kaczmarek's daughter Maya had eczema flare-ups that covered her body from head to toe.(1) The patchy spots were undone by pediatrician-recommended steroids and the advice to replace cow's milk with goat's milk. Everyone was elated when her scaly skin started... Antibiotic usage causes eczema in children: Research 10/8/2013 - Children who receive treatment with antibiotics during their first year of life may have a 40 percent higher risk of developing eczema, according to a study published in the British Journal of Dermatology. The researchers conducted a review of 20 prior studies into a potential connection between... Eczema linked to food allergies: Study 8/12/2013 - Although it's been well established that eczema and allergic skin disorders involve food allergies, a UK research team from King's College London did some research to determine the role of the skin's immunity. They determined that skin barrier defects, such as eczema itself, determine and even cause... Junk food linked to asthma, eczema in children 2/9/2013 - Scientists have discovered yet another serious health condition associated with fast food consumption, and it might not be one you would expect. According to a new study published in the journal Thorax, children who eat fast food three or more times per week are significantly more likely than other... Beat eczema naturally 10/26/2012 - Eczema is known as a chronic dermatological condition that is characterized by skin rashes, dryness, crusting and flaking skin. Research indicates that eczema is caused by chronic inflammation that affects the skin cells and causes scarring. Natural lifestyle strategies allow the body to de-inflame... Cure eczema the natural way 10/21/2012 - A painful and often debilitating disease, eczema is a skin disorder that is suffered by millions. Frequently treated with steroids, the immune system is further compromised -- inflaming the dermis and creating a vicious cycle that is difficult to break. Toxic vaccinations also aggravate this distressing... Why does conventional medical treatment lead to chronic illness? 9/18/2012 - Most doctors and patients have some awareness of the concept of suppression as it applies to medicine - but what is it really and what impact does it have upon health? The average person tends to describe suppression in immunologic terms; in other words, it is believed to be a type of weakening of... The best home remedies for eczema 6/26/2012 - Eczema is an irritating skin disease that ranges from chronic, itchy minor rashes to raging acute eczema flare-ups with open, oozing sores that require bandaging. Eczema is often attributed to some sort of food or airborne allergy and can be minimized by determining the allergens and adjusting accordingly.... Discover a common hidden cause of eczema 4/11/2012 - If you or a loved one have been affected by eczema, you understand the frustration and discomfort associated with this annoying irritation of the skin. There are numerous types and classifications of eczema, with the most common being referred to as atopic dermatitis. Eczema affects people on a wide... Antioxidants in chickweed may help with eczema, hemorrhoids, and cancer 2/14/2012 - There is probably not one gardener in North America or Europe who would have difficulty identifying chickweed and thus, have pulled it out of their lawn or garden. While scorned by gardeners, chickweed's straggly green stems with tiny white star-shaped flowers are favored by both chefs and herbalists.... Natural remedies help eczema sufferers (Opinion) 8/12/2011 - Eczema is a chronic skin condition also known as atopic eczema. It is a common problem among children and babies, but it can also affect adults. Contrary to popular belief, keeping a dog may actually be a natural remedy for childhood eczema. Essential oils can also help to combat this skin condition. Eczema... Moms can reduce risk of eczema in their babies by taking probiotics 7/29/2010 - About 20 percent of babies and toddlers have the condition known as eczema which causes red, swollen and intensely itchy skin. It usually develops on the forehead, cheeks, and scalp, but it can spread to the arms, legs, chest and other parts of the body. According to the National Institutes of Health... Probiotics found to reduce eczema and skin allergies 11/11/2009 - (Natural News) Most health conscious people know of the positive effects on digestion from using probiotic supplements. Many take probiotic supplements after using antibiotics to replace the good intestinal flora bacteria indiscriminately killed during antibiotic use. This practice is so well known... Heal Eczema by Making Lifestyle Changes 9/18/2009 - Eczema can be a distressing condition which is characterized by inflamed, itchy skin that sometimes develops into open bleeding sores. It can appear at any age and affects approximately two to seven percent of the population. Currently, research indicates that food allergies can be the root cause of... Natural Skin Care Provides Breakthrough in Treatment for Eczema 5/2/2009 - Eczema is a problem that up to one third of Americans suffer from on a daily basis. Annually it is estimated that over 28 billion dollars is spent on health care for eczema and other skin disorders. However, a new study has shown that utilizing a shielding lotion can help minimize the pain and difficulties... Hydrolyzed milk proteins found to actually decrease eczema in infants 6/2/2007 - Infant formulas containing proteins that have been hydrolyzed have been found to decrease a child's risk of developing eczema by at least 33 percent compared with formulas containing unprocessed milk proteins, according to a 3-year German study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Jump... Eczema Cured by Addressing Toxemia (press release) 7/11/2006 - A 36-year-old man documented and photographed his journey in getting well from his eczema. Edwin Casimero is proud of his achievement and thankful to the doctors and people who have helped him with correct scientific information to overcome his debilitating condition. "At the height of my eczema... Asthma explained by common allergy to milk and dairy products 8/4/2005 - The link between asthma and cows' milk is familiar to many young asthma sufferers and their parents. I first became aware of the connection through my cousin's experiences with his four-year-old son. Since infancy, my cousin's son has experienced severe asthma attacks and has been hospitalized twice... Pregnancy: Vitamin C: Diet: Children: Research: WHO: Fruit: Life: Study: Connection: Nutrition: Cancer: Alzheimer's: Arthritis: Depression: Health: Most Popular Stories TED aligns with Monsanto, halting any talks about GMOs, 'food as medicine' or natural healing 10 other companies that use the same Subway yoga mat chemical in their buns Warning: Enrolling in Obamacare allows government to link your IP address with your name, social security number, bank accounts and web surfing habits High-dose vitamin C injections shown to annihilate cancer USDA to allow U.S. to be overrun with contaminated chicken from China Vaccine fraud exposed: Measles and mumps making a huge comeback because vaccines are designed to fail, say Merck virologists New USDA rule allows hidden feces, pus, bacteria and bleach in conventional poultry Battle for humanity nearly lost: global food supply deliberately engineered to end life, not nourish it Harvard research links fluoridated water to ADHD, mental disorders 10 outrageous (but true) facts about vaccines the CDC and the vaccine industry don't want you to know EBT card food stamp recipients ransack Wal-Mart stores, stealing carts full of food during federal computer glitch Cannabis kicks Lyme disease to the curb is a free video website featuring thousands of videos on holistic health, nutrition, fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more.

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The Consumer Wellness Center is a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that help children and expectant mothers around the world.

Food Investigations is a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients in the food supply. offers alternative health programs, documentaries and more.

The Honest Food Guide is a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health benefits. is a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.

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