Eczema-friendly Products in Seal of Acceptance – National Eczema Association

Posted: June 24, 2024 at 4:52 pm

For people with eczema, learning about the many possible ingredients that can trigger a flare and how to avoid these ingredients when buying moisturizer, shampoo and other everyday products can feel daunting. In an effort to simplify the process, the National Eczema Association (NEA) created the Seal of Acceptance program.

You might recognize that little blue symbol the Seal on some of your favorite skincare and/or household products, but what exactly does it mean? What makes a product qualified to receive the Seal? Here, well give you a deeper look at what it means to obtain the Seal, including who reviews the products and how companies maintain the Seal standards to help you ensure youre using quality products for your life with eczema.

So what exactly is the Seal of Acceptance? Started in 2008, the Seal was created as a way to help consumers find eczema-friendly products. The Seal is a branded label displayed on personal care and household products that have been vetted by NEA. NEA awards the Seal to products that are deemed suitable for people with eczema or sensitive skin, based on sensitivity, toxicity and formulation testing data.

Only products that have applied for and pass the review process are awarded the Seal. NEA does not solicit manufacturers to apply for the Seal.

Brands or product manufacturers must fill out an application form for each product they wish to have evaluated, which includes:

Lets dig into each part of the application and review process to get a better understanding of what they are and how products obtain the Seal.

As you can imagine, evaluation of a products formulation is a big part of the Seal review process. NEA has identified 18 ingredients in its Ecz-clusion list that are known irritants and allergens that cannot be included in a product that applies for the Seal.

For a product to obtain the Seal, it cannot contain any of the following ingredients in any amount:

In addition, products must not include:

These guidelines were set by the Seal Scientific Oversight Committee. This is a panel of leading dermatologists, allergists and eczema experts. In addition to setting the ingredient guidelines, the committee established the criteria and framework for the overall Seal review process based on the most current scientific information.

For a product to obtain the Seal, it must meet the strict standards established by our Scientific Oversight Committee, including a review of ingredients and formulation data, said Christine Anderson, director of Seal of Acceptance and department operations at NEA.

Ingredients are considered in relation to sensitivity and irritation, said Anderson. The concentration levels and the purpose of the ingredient within the formula is taken into consideration as well.

To be considered for the Seal, manufacturers must have completed a clinical testing report for each individual product. Clinical testing is a way in which manufacturers make sure their products are suitable. NEA does not conduct this testing; rather, the testing is completed by an outside company who recruits people to test the formula in a controlled environment. Product manufacturers are solely responsible for identifying and working with companies to obtain this testing.

There are various types of clinical tests. NEA requires at least one of the following tests be completed by the manufacturer for each product formula:

During the testing, NEA requires that the clinical testing report include information regarding the skin tones of individuals involved in the testing process. This is reported using the Fitzpatrick Classification of Skin Types, which represents six skin types classified by pigment and ultraviolet light sensitivity.4 This requirement allows us to assess if a reasonable representation of skin types and tones are taken into consideration during testing.

The product samples are another part of the review process. NEA receives product samples from the manufacturers to ensure there is no fragrance present and to allow for reviewers to use the product as intended. The product samples, along with the clinical testing reports, are then sent to a panel of doctors who are part of the Seal reviewers selected by NEA.

This is the stage where experts weigh in on products. This includes the Seal Scientific Oversight Committee and Seal Review Panel. These doctors are selected by NEA for their expertise in dermatology, specifically eczema and sensitive skin care, and they hold MD, PhD and DO credentials.

The Seal Scientific Oversight Committee works independently of the Seal Review Panel. The Seal Scientific Oversight Committee sets the standards and criteria for the Seal Review Panel to use. The Seal Review Panel is the ultimate decision maker in whether or not a product is accepted to receive the Seal.

When selecting the Seal reviewers, NEA strives for diversity in geography, gender, specialty in medical fields (dermatologists and allergists) and race/ethnicity, while simultaneously prioritizing expertise.

The Seal Review Panel reviews all the materials holistically, including:

Products are reviewed and awarded the Seal on an ongoing basis. When a product is awarded the Seal, NEA enters into a one-year license agreement with the manufacturer allowing them to utilize the Seal logo on accepted products in the U.S. and Canada markets.

Product manufacturers are allowed to renew their license annually. However, to ensure a product still meets our high standards, a manufacturer must:

If there is a change in formula, even a minor one, the manufacturer must restart the application process with new clinical testing.

The Seal was created to help empower you to find products that are suitable for you and your family. The rigorous testing and review requirements help ensure that every product with the Seal has been vetted specifically for eczema and sensitive skin.

While the Seal can help eczema-friendly products be more easily identifiable, eczema is different for everyone and what works for one person might not work for another, said Anderson. Identifying a product with the Seal is an important first step, but it should be followed by trying the product to see how well it works for you.

The Seal of Acceptance Program is intended to provide broad guidance on personal care products suitable for individuals with eczema and/or sensitive skin when used as intended per the product label. Individuals with eczema and/or sensitive skin have the responsibility for identifying ingredients in any product that could potentially irritate their skin and/or trigger potential allergies. Healthcare-related questions should be referred to a physician or other healthcare provider, including questions regarding product ingredients, as well as whether use of the accepted product(s) is suitable.


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Eczema-friendly Products in Seal of Acceptance - National Eczema Association

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