Eczema | Define Eczema at

Posted: January 26, 2016 at 9:43 pm

Historical Examples

Unlike mange, eczema is not caused by the intrusion of an insect parasite.

Others say that she has eczema and dare not show her face, while others say she is mad.

When eczema is once inaugurated, excoriation is to be expected.

eczema may be due to constitutional or local causes, or to both.

Useful in eczema and diseases of the integument where cell destruction is a prominent factor.

What is to be said about the use of soap and water in eczema?

Unless business worries can be removed or family anxieties allayed the cure of eczema becomes a difficult matter.

Sulphur has been used with benefit in eczema, Impetigo, and Lepra.

When the eczema is not the result of an external irritant, it takes usually from one to two weeks to heal.

In eczema, and some other cutaneous affections, to allay irritation, &c.

British Dictionary definitions for eczema Expand

/ksm; zim/

(pathol) a skin inflammation with lesions that scale, crust, or ooze a serous fluid, often accompanied by intense itching or burning

Derived Forms

eczematous (ksmts) adjective

Word Origin

C18: from New Latin, from Greek ekzema, from ek- out + zein to boil; see yeast

Word Origin and History for eczema Expand

1753, from Greek ekzema, literally "something thrown out by heat," from ekzein "to boil out," from ek "out" (see ex-) + zema "boiling," from zein "to boil," from PIE root *yes- "to boil, foam, bubble" (see yeast). Said to have been the name given by ancient physicians to "any fiery pustule on the skin."

eczema in Medicine Expand

eczema eczema (k's-m, g'z-, g-z'-) n. An acute or chronic noncontagious inflammation of the skin, characterized chiefly by redness, itching, and the outbreak of lesions that may discharge serous matter and become encrusted and scaly.

eczema in Science Expand

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Eczema | Define Eczema at

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