Don't Stress about Eczema

Posted: September 13, 2012 at 9:13 pm

Stress is one of the things that can cause eczema to flare up so managing stress may lead to better control of eczema. Here are some stress management techniques you can try:


Adequate sleep reduces stress, recharges your body and mind. People sometimes consume too much caffeine without realizing that it can actually lead to a reduction not only in the amount but also the quality of sleep.


Engage in fun activities. Participate in a hobby. Doing something that you enjoy can enhance your mental, emotional and physical well-being.


Researchers have said that positive thinking leads to health benefits. These include lower levels of distress, better psychological and physical well-being, and better coping skills during times of stress. Overcome negative self-talk and always practice positive thinking.


It may be easier said than done. But the best way to fight stress is to manage it. If work is stressful, engage in relaxing activities. Get into yoga, have massages, take breaks and vacations. Eczema may be kept under control as long as you take control of your life.

"Any kind of job can be stressful at times. And because stress triggers eczema, bigla ka na lang papantalin. Ang kati! You have to know how to handle it. Pahinga lang, at Elica (Any kind of job can be stressful at times. And because stress triggers eczema, you'd suddenly get rashes that are really itchy. You have to know how to handle it. Just rest [and use] Elica)," celebrity mom Maricel Laxa shares.

See the original post here:

Don't Stress about Eczema

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