Are you giving yourself eczema? – Netdoctor

Posted: March 29, 2017 at 10:47 am

It is estimated that around 60% of British people will suffer from a skin condition at some point in their life, and for many the cause will be eczema which occurs mostly in children, but can also affect adults.

Even if you don't have eczema yourself, the chances are you know somebody who does. It is a condition that fluctuates in its severity, often 'flaring' to become red, itchy and sometimes weepy in patches. In between flares, the skin may appear normal or may show signs of chronic eczema with dry, thickened patches.


Although eczema like many skin conditions tends to run in families, it is possible to develop it as a result of external factors, and you might be surprised at some of the causes. Dr Daniel Glass, consultant dermatologist at the Dermatology Clinic London, gives us some more insight.

"There are a large array of different factors can make eczema worse. These include foodstuff in selected groups, dust exposure, unfamiliar pets, seasonal variation, stress, and irritants may be important in provoking flares of eczema."

He adds:

"Other factors that can exacerbate eczema include bacterial or viral skin infections. Contact allergic types of eczema occur after an individual comes in to contact with a substance they have become allergic to. This can be from a vast range of chemicals including those contained in hair dye, nail varnish, preservatives, antiseptics or similar. Once the culprit is found using patch tests, it's a question of removing contact with the offending substance."


Once you have a flare of eczema, it's very easy to get into a cycle of itch and scratch whether it be conscious or subconsciously.

"Stopping this may require a combination of treatment for the eczema and at times involvement of a psychologist for a course of habit reversal sessions, to try to stop the habitual scratching."


When it becomes clear that treating the skin alone is not sufficient to help the patient regain control of the eczema, then it's time to start thinking about taking a psychological route.

"If the skin disease is preventing a patient getting on with their life and psychological input can be useful. Patients with skin diseases can develop psychological difficulties with stress or anxiety due to their skin condition quite common. Skin disorders can affect people's coping and adjustment; stress itself can also have a negative impact on people's skin. Dealing with these issues can dramatically improve patients well being."

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Are you giving yourself eczema? - Netdoctor

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