Top 10 Amazing Animals Discovered Within the Last Decade – Video

Posted: December 28, 2012 at 1:47 am

Top 10 Amazing Animals Discovered Within the Last Decade
The above monstrosity was officially discovered during an expedition to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, but it has been observed before... in the nightmares of the criminally insane. The specimen in the picture is a male of the newly-classified Megalara Garuda species of wasp, named after the mythical half-man, half-bird warrior Garuda, the national symbol of Indonesia. It #39;s also known as the "King of Wasps," "Warrior Wasp" or the "Komodo Dragon of the Wasp Family." Personally I like to call it "the definite proof that, yes, Satan does exist and he #39;s coming for all of us." It #39;s not simply the fact that the Garuda wasp reaches 2.5" in length or the fact that its powerful jaws are so huge they wrap around its head while closed and are longer than the bug #39;s legs while opened. All of that is definitely a huge part of this insect #39;s horror-tude, but what really gets me is the fact that scientists speculate that the wasp evolved those powerful jaws to hold the females down while it does its dirty business to them. So, basically, it #39;s a flying monster rapist. Take a look at this frog. Is it any different than every single frog you #39;ve ever seen? Does it make you rethink your preconceptions about the very idea of "discovery"? Do you even care? If you answered "no" to the previous questions, then congrats; you are not one of the researchers who have tested the DNA of the above frog and discovered that it #39;s a totally new species...which lives in New York. Yes, it turns out that a ...From:pastimersViews:11 0ratingsTime:02:28More inPets Animals

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Top 10 Amazing Animals Discovered Within the Last Decade - Video

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