Project-based learning opportunities are in genealogy’s DNA – Education Dive

Posted: March 5, 2020 at 6:31 pm

Dive Brief:

Researching ones own family can be a fascinating venture that inspires interested students to learn new skills. Educators know making lessons relevant is more likely to keep students focused, and companies like Ancestry are offering resources that grant students access to historical records and data to help map out family histories. AncestryK12, for instance, has grants that give a year of access to Ancestry Classroom, Fold3 and

The Indiana State Libraryalso features a resource guide for K-12 educators and parents in the state. It provides age-appropriate activities and includes a list of online resources like the National Genealogy Societyand The Indiana Junior Historian special issue, "Collecting Your History."

Not only can educators guide students through online research, but also introduce them to library and city hall documents, as well as helping them brainstorm resources. This type of teaching is designed to empower students, as project-based learning combines content mastery with meaningful work to connect with students on a personal level.

Genealogy lessons can also be adapted for all ages and cross a range of subject areas. Students in younger grades can learn about the world through exploration and comparison, with maps used to show where students families came from. The subject can demonstrate the importance of cultural diversity when students realize that, at one point, everyones ancestors were immigrants. It also teaches students how to research, using computers and the internet effectively while developing organizational skills.

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Project-based learning opportunities are in genealogy's DNA - Education Dive

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