Police: Nuclear DNA led to suspect in Karina Vetrano killing – Newsday

Posted: February 9, 2017 at 5:48 am

Chanel Lewis is arraigned in Queens Criminal Court on Sunday, Feb. 5, 2017. Lewis was charged with murder in the strangulation death of Karina Vetrano, 30, as she jogged on a park trail near her Howard Beach home on Aug. 2, 2016. (Credit: Charles Eckert/Pool)

DNA recovered from the body of slain Howard Beach jogger Karina Vetrano was the best kind of genetic evidence for investigators to use to find her suspected killer, said a law enforcement official familiar with the case.

Crime scene detectives found nuclear DNA on Vetrano when her body was discovered the night of Aug. 2 in the weeds of Spring Creek Park in Queens, the official said.


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Police: Nuclear DNA led to suspect in Karina Vetrano killing - Newsday

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