Healing with Love – Dr. Laskow – Video

Posted: December 13, 2012 at 5:45 pm

Healing with Love - Dr. Laskow
Leonard Laskow is a Stanford trained physician, who has studied the healing power of love for the past 33 years. He coined the term Holoenergetic Healing, by which he means healing with the energy of the "whole." Dr. Laskow found that it takes energy to maintain the appearance of separation and that as we bring ourselves into wholeness, the energy of separation is liberated. This energy can then be consciously directed to facilitate our body #39;s healing response. Dr. Laskow now teaches this process to healing professionals and lay people and is a consultant in Behavioral and Energy Medicine in Ashland, Oregon. Author and Researcher The principles of Holoenergetic Healing are presented in Dr. Laskow #39;s breakthrough book, Healing with Love. Highly recommended by Deepak Chopra, Larry Dossey, and Dolores Krieger, this book uses ancient and cutting-edge healing techniques, self awareness, energy work, and practical exercises to help one directly experience love as a healing force. In it Dr. Laskow describes his laboratory research, which documents the effectiveness of heart-focused Holoenergetic techniques in significantly inhibiting the growth of tumor cells in tissue culture and bacterial growth in test tubes. The book, originally published in by Harper Collins, has sold over 30000 copies in nine languages. In subsequent research, Dr. Laskow has shown that the molecular configuration and properties of water and the physical structure of DNA can be changed by conscious intention ...From:liloumaceViews:0 0ratingsTime:32:24More inHowto Style

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Healing with Love - Dr. Laskow - Video

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