Extracting DNA as easy as ABC

Posted: May 5, 2014 at 4:43 pm

by Joseph Masilamany, reporters@theborneopost.com. Posted on May 6, 2014, Tuesday

KOTA SAMARAHAN: In the last few decades, the term DNA has grown to become a household name. But not many are aware that DNA, which stands for the mouthful deoxyribonucleic acid, can be extracted from an organism using common household items and tools found in the kitchen.

Visitors to the three-day BioBorneo 2014 Conference and Exhibition, currently held at University Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas), were surprised to know that DNA extraction is in fact a simple procedure that does not require sophisticated tools from the ivory tower of science.

At the exhibition booth hosted by the Malaysian Biotechnology Information Centre (Mabic), project officers Shamira Shamsudeen and Farah Nazri demonstrated yesterday how the DNA extraction procedure could be executed using household detergent, baking powder, meat tenderizer, a spoon and an electric blender.

The Mabic booth attracted many visitors who were keen to try out the DNA extraction technique themselves. Using the simple ingredients and kitchen tools, many visitors turned genetic scientists as they attempted to extract the DNA from a strawberry.

Speaking to The Borneo Post, Mabic executive director Dr Mahaletchumy Arujanan, says her centre aims to bring science closer home to the public.

She says it is important for the man in the street to feel at ease with the evolving new sciences and not to have misgivings and misconceptions.

Since the last few decades science has advanced so rapidly, especially with the advent of biotechnology, which has raised many contentious questions in areas such as stem cell technology, cloning and genetic modification of plants and animals, says Mahaletchumy.

These new sciences continue to be a cause clbre and that is because public understanding of science, especially biotechnology is at an infancy stage. The word DNA itself engenders a degree of fear among the public who mindlessly associate it with cloning and call it Frankenscience.

This is callous and insensitive as the discovery of the double-helix (DNA) has brought many benefits to humanity especially in the areas of medical science and agriculture, she says.

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Extracting DNA as easy as ABC

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