DNA Spectrum Defines Benefits of DNA Storage in Latest Article "Genetic Storage: Cord Blood vs. DNA"

Posted: January 13, 2015 at 4:48 pm

Chicago, IL (PRWEB) January 13, 2015

DNA Spectrum, a leading consumer genomics company, constantly updates the public with original content designed to inform the public about this constantly changing field. In its latest article "Genetic Storage: Cord Blood vs. DNA", the company compares and contrasts two current genetic storage methods: umbilical blood banking and DNA sample collection. While both methods have merit, DNA collection has proven to be an increasingly cost-effective and efficient option for the common consumer.

DNA storage has proven itself to be advantageous over cord blood banking for a number of reasons. First, the sample harvesting process is relatively simple. Most DNA stored samples are collected via cheek swabs, which is an easy and non-intrusive method versus attempting to collect umbilical cord blood immediately after birth. Second, the preservation costs are dramatically reduced. DNA Spectrum provides DNA storage plans that cost $2 per month.

Advances in genetic sequencing continue at a rapid pace leading to continuous medical breakthroughs. Research now shows that 90 percent of cancers are primarily caused by genetic mutations. By isolating the causes of such diseases to their genetic components, the opportunities to cure them are likely around the corner. An individuals human DNA will change over time, often due to environmental damage. People are able to safely store intact copies of their genomes are beneficially positioned for these future treatment advances. This insurance is the primary impetus behind DNA storage.

Stored DNA samples may also be useful for genetic disorder treatment or delaying the onset of age-related diseases. Genetic information is not only important for the sample-providing individual. Future generations may also be able to use DNA samples from family members to determine illness predispositions and other purposes which have not yet been developed. Having this information readily available could facilitate early treatment for these individuals in order to avoid complications related to serious illness or disease and the potential for customized therapies.

Many parents consider storing their childrens umbilical cord blood as a means to harvest still-generative stem cells for future usage as a means of ensuring the childs future health. Cord blood stem cells have already been used to successfully treat over seventy different diseases including leukemia, aplastic anemia, and non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Given stem cells ability to transform into virtually any other cell within the human body, they are valued for their regenerative properties and the hope of staving off future life-threatening diseases. However, despite their medical value, cord blood stems cannot be considered magic bullets that fix all genetic conditions.

The current chances that a family member will actually end up using this biological material for serious disease treatment is one in 2,700. What compounds the issue are the storage costs associated with umbilical cord blood. Private banking costs can approach $2000 USD in the first year alone. While public banks are an alternative, in which cord blood is made available via a national registry, few U.S. hospitals actively collect it for storage. In essence, most families are forced to pay exorbitant fees for genetic material that statistically-speaking is virtually unused.

Compared to simple DNA storage, private cord blood banking costs approximately 83 times the amount for that same first year. Additionally, DNA storage can be deployed in cases of missing children or identification in criminal cases; having a complete genome sample readily available in times of emergency is not only invaluable but proven desirable. In a BBC-commissioned opinion poll, 66 percent of participants stated they would voluntarily submit their own DNA samples if said samples were used to aid crime detection and prevention.

In essence, companies like DNA Spectrum, are creating the future now and make it affordable for every family. DNA storage provides parents with a stable and cost-effective means to store a genetic profile from their childs young age as a benchmark or snapshot. Compared against cord bloods helpful yet cost-prohibitive benefits, DNA storage is where future generations will migrate to in preserving their health and history.

About DNA Spectrum

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DNA Spectrum Defines Benefits of DNA Storage in Latest Article "Genetic Storage: Cord Blood vs. DNA"

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