DNA solutions for fathers in doubt

Posted: March 2, 2014 at 6:43 am

THE LAZATINS, off work

Jaime Lazatin, owner-manager of Infinitech Center, is often asked whether his company caters mainly to OFWs.

Infinitech, located at Scout Gandia, Barangay Laging Handa, Quezon City, is in the business of parentage and other relationship testing. It is the exclusive distributor of services of DNA Solutions Pty Ltd., an international DNA testing laboratory based in Australia.

The 44-year-old Lazatin confirms that Yes, about 50 percent of our clients are OFWs who want to resolve relationship uncertainties.

OFWs need the assurance for their peace of mind, he says. They cant work because of these doubts. When they get the lab resultswhether positive or negativethat is a signal to move on. They can plan what to do nextdecisively.

DNA testing has also been needed to identify dead bodies defaced or dismembered in some gory accident or fiery siege.

Such was the case in January last year when five Filipinos were among 39 workers killed during a terrorist attack on a Japanese gas facility in Algeria. The Filipinos were reportedly riding a van rigged with explosives.

The Japanese company called us up to make DNA profiles of the Pinoy victims children so that these may be compared with those of the fatalities so they could identify who is who so the bodies could finally be shipped home.

The tests may also be used in child custody and support cases. If the man has doubts the child is his, he may ask for a DNA test to prove hes the biological father. If the result is negative, he may not need to pay support.

For such cases, Lazatins company offers two kinds of services: Court-approved/immigration and personal use tests. The former is done by DNA Diagnostics Center, Infinitechs other partner-laboratory based in Ohio, USA, which is accredited by the American and most other foreign embassies in the Philippines. He is also this labs sole distributor in the country.

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DNA solutions for fathers in doubt

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