DNA Results Reveal Michael Lohan Is Father Of 17-Year-Old Girl

Posted: November 16, 2012 at 9:43 pm

Lindsay Lohan has a half-sister.

In an appearance on the "The Trisha Goddard Show" on Thursday, it is revealed that Michael Lohan is the father of Ashley Horn, 17.

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For years, Kristi Horn has claimed that Michael Lohan is the biological father of her daughter Ashley.

In a clip from the show, host Trisha is seen asking who wants to open the DNA results envelope, and Ashley volunteers, saying, "I'll do it, it's my life."

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Michael adds, "It's all of our lives."

After Ashley opens the DNA diagnostics results envelope, Kristi is seen breaking down in tears, while Ashley remains silent. Curious about the outcome, Trisha leans over to discover the truth and announces, "Michael is Ashley's father."

Through her tears Kristi is seen saying to Michael, "You have another daughter and you missed out on 17 years of her life."

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Lindsay Lohan

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DNA Results Reveal Michael Lohan Is Father Of 17-Year-Old Girl

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