DNA expert reveals evidence on gun in Levi Chavez murder trial

Posted: June 25, 2013 at 5:44 pm

Posted at: 06/25/2013 12:28 PM By: Elizabeth Reed, KOB.com

A DNA expert took the stand today in the murder trial against former Albuquerque police officer Levi Chavez.

Alanna Williams of the Albuquerque Crime Lab discussed how blood was analyzed on the gun found next to Tera Chavez's body. She said she found both Chavez and his wife's DNA on the weapon, but she could not determine if Tera shot the weapon.

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APD officer Regina Sanchez, who dated Chavez in 2006, also testified Tuesday. She said Tera called and told her off after finding out about their affair.

Talks of extramarital affairs have dominated the trial over the past few days. On Monday, the jury heard from Samantha Wheeler, the maid of honor at the Chavez's wedding. She said she learned of the affair Tera had with her husband after she was found dead.

Jurors also heard from Wheeler's husband, Nicholas, on Friday.

Read more:
DNA expert reveals evidence on gun in Levi Chavez murder trial

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