Divine DNA – God’s World Family- Part 4 Spirit and Truth – Episode 9 – Video

Posted: January 7, 2013 at 3:48 pm

Divine DNA - God #39;s World Family- Part 4 Spirit and Truth - Episode 9
Just as creation, the world began with one family, the three sons of Noah. Some saw, believed and honored God, but many were rebellious, prideful and refused to acknowledge or honor God. Even as early as the establishment of the city and tower at Babel, the people were rebelling against God. It #39;s interesting how many more Christians are inclined to identify with the will of the people to join forces to rebel against God, than they are to first identify with the fact that they were being rebellious. Only when we begin to see the world from the perspective of the God who is in Heaven can we begin to come out of bigotry, hatred, false religions and the illegal world system -- and come to the only true and living God, Jesus, the Christ, Messiah and Savior of all creation.

By: EsprittvNetwork

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Divine DNA - God's World Family- Part 4 Spirit and Truth - Episode 9 - Video

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