Britain’s Got Talent’s Simon Cowell almost ruins DNA’s semi-final mind-reading act –

Posted: May 30, 2017 at 2:02 pm

DNA asked Simon Cowell to turn to a page in a dictionary they'd provided page 1,414 if you're interested to find the word, but he had a bit of an issue.

Simon wasn't wearing his glasses and couldn't find the page, so Amanda Holden had to help him out, which was quite entertaining as a separate performance.

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Still, the word "probably" was indeed on the page and it was safe to say the act went down a treat with the judges, with Ant making fun of Simon's issue with the dictionary.

"Without glasses Ant, these are the smallest numbers I've ever in my life," he explained, before turning to the DNA chaps, gobsmacked.

"How the bloody hell did you do THAT? No seriously, I have no idea what just happened there, but that was honestly incredible."

David cheekily added: "What was truly magical, was that you got Simon Cowell to read a book for the first time in his life. That was incredible. I mean he didn't find it easy."

DNA battled it out in the first semi-final of the week alongside St Patrick's Junior Choir Drumgreenagh, PC Dan, Niels Harder, Kyle Tomlinson, Empire Dance Crew, Tyrone & Mina and Miss Treat Vibe.

Britain's Got Talent airs the show's live semi-finals all week on ITV.

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Britain's Got Talent's Simon Cowell almost ruins DNA's semi-final mind-reading act -

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