
Posted: March 9, 2016 at 6:43 pm

Forensic scientists analyze biological evidence to help solve a variety of crimes. These analyses can show that biological materials from a specific individual was found at a crime scene, can help inform how a victim may have died, and can even bring identity to unknown human remains found in advanced stages of decomposition. Forensic biology is used to determine what types of biological stains, such as blood or semen, are left at a crime scene and to link those stains to individuals through DNA analysis.

Partnership with Applied Genetics Group We work closely with the NIST Applied Genetics Group, which focuses on developing standards and technology to support the use of DNA testing in human identification. For example, with the Applied Genetics Group, we helped develop Standard Reference Material for DNA profiling to ensure that forensic laboratories produce consistent results. We also supported their research to enable forensic scientists to obtain DNA profiles from items that have previously been unsuccessful in yielding DNA results using conventional DNA analysis markers. This has enabled more information to be entered into DNA databases, which is useful when attempting to provide leads in unsolved crimes with degraded evidence and establishing the identity of victims after a mass disaster. In addition, we supported the Applied Genetics Group efforts to improve the processes used to evaluate evidence items that contain DNA mixtures and their research to speed up the forensic DNA analysis process.

Technical Working Group on Biological Evidence PreservationThe proper long-term storage and preservation of biological evidence has become increasingly newsworthy as states throughout the U.S. enact legislation allowing post-conviction DNA testing of evidence. In August 2010, we partnered with the National Institute of Justice to lead the Technical Working Group on Biological Evidence Preservation, which examines current policies, procedures, and practices in biological evidence collection, storage, and preservation. The primary objective of the working group was to establish best practices, based in science, to reduce the premature destruction and degradation of biological evidence, thus ensuring its availability for future analysis.

The Technical Working Group on Biological Evidence Preservation has released The Biological Evidence Preservation Handbook: Best Practices for Evidence Handlers. The Handbook addresses packaging and storage, tracking and chain of custody, and disposition of biological evidence. For more information on the Handbook and the working group, visit the Technical Working Group on Biological Evidence Preservation's page.

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