Baseball’s in her DNA: Reds operations analyst Katie Krall living a dream – The Athletic

Posted: June 21, 2020 at 1:43 pm

To 10-year-old Katie Krall, it just made sense. Her dad, who coached her softball team, should put his best hitter at leadoff and second-best hitter second. She figured if the best hitters were at the top of the order, theyd come to the plate the most and thats what youd want.

This was after the book Moneyball came out, but before the movie was released, so those kinds of thoughts, along with the importance of on-base percentage over batting average, had been in the ether but had yet to find their way to pee-wee softball. Shed read the book several years later, but at the time, Krall was just like many other 10-year-olds who liked to ask why and refused to accept the status quo just because itd always been that way. It portended a new type of baseball executive, a path that Krall, 23, would later find herself.

Krall swayed her dad, Darryl, and found herself batting second in the lineup behind her twin...

The rest is here:
Baseball's in her DNA: Reds operations analyst Katie Krall living a dream - The Athletic

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