Barack Cries Over Connecticut School Shooting – Video

Posted: December 17, 2012 at 1:41 pm

Barack Cries Over Connecticut School Shooting
**Fight Censorship on YouTube** YouTube has fllagged and removed our last video showing Barack (verbally) supporting the death of Children in this video (which was edited into the above video): Dear YouTube Community (Censors): The Attorney Depot YouTube Account serves as a media (press) outlet Account. We recently (as you know) received an inappropriate content flag and removal of the video in question. We edited the video using the following videos: Barack Crying ( which was downloaded from a third party; and the Gaza Conflict ( which was also downloaded from a third party. Neither video (standing alone) has been flagged, or removed. Upon combining the videos through YouTube #39;s Editor #39;s Shop, YouTube Censors now claim the video is inappropriate. Therefore one can reasonably (and readily) conclude, YouTube is censoring an Idea (Barack crying over Deceased American Children, While supporting the Death of Arab Children). This represents a political statement by the President of the United States. How is the (censored, removed) video is violation of the Terms of Use, particularly when both videos that were used remain on the YouTube Site, uncensored, unflagged and available worldwide? We at the Attorney Depot believe that the removal of our video grossly infringes upon our First Amendment Right(s) to engage in and disseminate political speech, as well as promote political dialogue. The Attorney Depot Visit us @: Twitter: Facebook: www ...From:theattorneydepotViews:1 0ratingsTime:03:48More inNews Politics

The rest is here:
Barack Cries Over Connecticut School Shooting - Video

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