A New Way To Be Human: The Plan Is To Replace Existing …

Posted: March 11, 2015 at 7:48 am

Michael Snyder

Transhumanists believe that the time has come for humans to take control of their own evolution. Many of them are fully convinced that we can use emerging technologies to fix the flaws in the human race and ultimately eradicate sickness, disease, poverty and war. So would you like to have the eyesight of an eagle? Would you like to download an entire library of information directly into your brain in just minutes? Would you like to rid your family line of all genetic diseases? Would you like to extend your lifespan to 500 years or even longer? Transhumanists promise that all of these things will soon be possible, if we are willing to embrace a new way of doing things. They foresee a future in which we will all have lots of little nanobots running around inside of us, in which we are all connected directly to the Internet, and in which we have all been genetically modified to at least some degree. In fact, one prominent transhumanist recently stated that he believes that eventually every human will be designed on a computer. In the end, the goal is to produce a vastly improved version of the human race which will usher in a golden new age for the planet. But as we merge ourselves with animals, machines and weird new technologies that scientists cook up, at what point do we cease to be human?

And when I say weird new technologies, I am not overstating things in the least. Just consider what one transhumanist saysthat they have planned for us

As with all radical social movements, there is bound to be resistance. After all, transhumanists are interested in some pretty bizarre things: mind uploading, living indefinitely through life extension science, biohacking themselves to install cyborg body parts, and creating artificial general intelligence. Each of these areas of research will radically change the lives of peopleand some, such as cyborg body parts, are already doing so.

Once upon a time, the only people that talked about cyborgs were science fiction geeks.

But today, many transhumanists speak of us becoming cyborgs as if it was some sort of foregone conclusion. It is almost as if they are the Borg, and they are telling us that there is no choice but to assimilate.

And this assimilation is already happening to a certain degree. If the idea of humanity merging with machines sounds bizarre to you, just check out the following excerptfrom a recent Vice article

Next up are brain implants, tiny computer chips inserted surgically directly into the brain itself. So far, theyve been used mainly to help treat patients suffering from Parkinsons disease and other neurological conditions such as Alzheimers and epilepsy.

But some scientists are now tinkering with brain implants that enable more physical pursuits, from controlling peoples prosthetic limbs torestoring movementin paralyzed rats. Scientists say that the capabilities of brain implants are only in their infancy, and some of them envision a near-future where brain implants can even be installed in healthy people to connect them directly to the internet and improve memory] a la Black Mirror. The US military agency DARPA is already building such memory chips, and wants to develop implants that could be installed throughout a soldiers nervous system to provide advanced, on-the-spot healing of conditions from mental illness to arthritis.

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A New Way To Be Human: The Plan Is To Replace Existing ...

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