Try ‘Orb’ to experience Psychedelic Trance genre – The Ionian

Posted: February 24, 2017 at 6:36 pm

The Scrying Orb is an interesting title for an even more interesting album. While many albums fall under the genres of R&B, hip-hop and country, The Scrying Orb is considered to be Psychedelic Trance, a roughly new genre that some (especially those who listen to more mainstream music) might not know.

Ross McGuire, the albums producer, gave a brief background and insight on what the psychedelic trance actually is.

Psychedelic Trance, then, is simply trance musicmusic with the intent of placing the listener in a state of trance (the framework) and psychedelia [music]music that aims to carefully provide the listener with as many cool raw materials as is needed to create a rich, living, musical world (the content of the framework), McGuire said in an email.

When discussing his latest album The Scrying Orb, McGuire shared what inspired him to make an album in this profound genre.

The true inspiration for this album was what I heard and felt during my time becoming exposed to the genre, McGuire said in an email. I really loved what the music did both to me and for me and felt this overwhelming urge to contribute to that.

When initially listening to The Scrying Orb, one might expect soothing sounds similar to ocean waves or light wind in a spring day. Instead, the result is something similar to the soundtrack of Mario Kart.

However, the more one knows about Psychedelic Trance, the better the album becomes. The album provokes an opportunity to understand the complex genre. This album is for people who like to listen to music that strays away from the mainstream genres.

However, several of the songs found in The Scrying Orb can appeal to people who might not enjoy the genre as a whole, such as the song Portals. Portals is not a completely upbeat song that would make whoever is listening to it want to dance. However, it is not a depressing song that can would put the listener in a melodramatic mood, either. Instead, the song is a good balance of both and is great to listen to while completing work for your job or classes.

Overall, The Scrying Orb was seemingly lackluster, especially if you are not a fan of genres that stray away from the mainstream. That said, Psychedelic Trance is an interesting and complex genre, and it deserved be checked out. The album is available via SoundCloud, and will officially release in April.

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Try 'Orb' to experience Psychedelic Trance genre - The Ionian

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