One Festival: The spiritual, the sacred and the power of oneness – News24

Posted: November 11, 2021 at 5:27 pm

This festival is a trance festival, which is aimed at the more liberal and free thinkers who rage against the dying of the night to the sound of drum and bass and techno.Photo: Supplied


To those who are perhaps more spiritually inclined, the figure 111111 (the date, month and specific hour) is a divine occurrence one that is being celebrated in unique fashion at the three-day-long One Festival in Mpumalanga, which features the theme of oneness and unity.

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This festival is a trance festival, which is aimed at the more liberal and free thinkers who rage against the dying of the night to the sound of drum and bass and techno.

The festival is held in Kaapsehoop, which happens to be on the same line of longitude as the Great Pyramids of Giza and the ruins of Great Zimbabwe, and home of Adams Calendar an arrangement of stones that is believed to be one of the oldest man-made structures on Earth.

The festival boasts three dance floors, crystal caves, forests, pyramids of light and mountains.Photo: Supplied

This once-in-a-lifetime event was inspired by the unique moment at 11:11:11 on 11/11/11 when the time and the date are all one. We are all one in our humanity, and we aim to bring attention to what we have in common, rather than what separates us. Join us to become part of a unifying global event in a real and meaningful way.

Thats the description of this event on its Facebook page. The festival boasts three dance floors, crystal caves, forests, pyramids of light and mountains as some of the attractions you can indulge in.

Co-creator of the festival, Roman Sergey Potgieter, explains: One Festival has been happening for the last 10 years. The significance of this festival for us is basically the connection of one."

In numerology, if youve ever come across 1111 and it appeals to you or draws you in then you would definitely find this festival appealing. The connection of oneness and with nature and with all the beautiful things we see as divine and that brings us together.

READ:Numerology: a load of rubbish?

Perhaps these people are on to something: we remain a divided nation, maybe what we all need is a touch of unity.

But what about partying on such hallowed grounds?

Sangoma and Celtic druid/wizard Stuart Snawrquitrafretis Turquoise Mathoka Davies, who has been working in and around sacred sites in Mpumalanga since 2016, says: We can see so many beautiful geological phenomena when we enter into places like Barberton, when we delve deeper and begin to unfold potentialities and stories of what could have happened in the Barberton crater. Whether it was a volcanic incident, whether it was a meteoric incident, whether this was a connection to our ancient ancestors in the stars this is something that is up to the individual to decide, and for the individual to experience through connecting with the sacred places on this land.

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The three-day-long One Festival in Mpumalanga features the theme of oneness and unity. Photo: Supplied

Davies adds: When we connect to Sudwala Caves, we see beautiful dragonite formations and hear many stories of the dragons and the fairies and the pixies and many other creatures that reside within its holes.


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One Festival: The spiritual, the sacred and the power of oneness - News24

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