Off the Cuff – Westside Eagle Observer

Posted: December 18, 2019 at 8:59 pm

Here we are again in the busiest season of the year. It's Christmas time, following closely after Thanksgiving and just ahead of a New Year. Besides being busy with all types of activities it is also time for careful, or rather sneaking forgetfulness, while gorging on all the goodies that are put before us, not only at home but also at get-togethers, church activities, club meetings and -- let's admit it -- Have we been careful with the cookies and candies and other goodies, etc., etc., since we made that resolution last January? Let's just dig out that old saying, "Confession is good for the soul." But, importantly, it's time for regrouping but, more importantly, is to set a determined standard to ... we could go on and on and....

It is time for the annual Christmas column, but the 'cuff has had those every year since I don't remember when -- all about going into the woods to find a Christmas cedar tree which, you guessed it, always was lopsided when you got it home. The 'cuff has also included personal memories and memories of other activities which involved Christmas programs at church, hearing Christmas songs on the radio (now it's TV) and also hearing Christmas programs by glee clubs and music departments at school. Whoops; that's a no-no to too many; it ain't politically correct to remember and celebrate what Christmas is really all about so....

Let's get on with a different "C" column. That's right, "Conglomeration" is taking charge. How about commercials on TV, those that have become so common during the past few months: How about hearing Joe Namath promoting health systems. It was good to hear that Joe is okay; isn't he the one who was MVP when the Jets conquered the other team (can't remember who) in the Super Bowl? How about all those commercials from a type of shoe group (I think it's Sandals) begging and teasing us to plan a cruise in the Caribbean? How about that Pillow Man; isn't it about time to quit hearing the brags about a patented pillow? But the most annoying commercials are those promoting network or station or just intros to a climax in a program that are well done until it's "bam, bam, or jelly bean jam" as cymbals crash and an orchestra, organ or piano joins in with pounding eardrum sounds. I love music but those kinds of crashes, if they have a name, ruin the entire promotional commercial. If we had a fireplace when one of those explosions occurs which, by the way, rattle the walls and shake the floor, I'd be tempted to check the fireplace chimney to see if the mortar was still intact.

That's enough of that. Hooray, you say? How about some HOO-GA? That's the pronunciation of a Danish word, Hy-gga, which describes the people of Denmark who are "the happiest people in the world." Maybe we in the good old USA would be happier HOO-GAers if this three-year-old television news program about impeaching the president would suddenly stop. The news networks still bring us some news but most of it is opinion by self-declared newsies. Real news should still just bring unvarnished and unbiased facts, which doesn't seem to be the pattern. Getting back to governing would be a great present, whatever season it is. No more politickin'; it's on to news about a bumper crop of sweet gumballs. And that's enough of that.

Let's end on some positive notes: Have you noticed the beautiful sunrise and sunset displays the past several days? They remind me of those scenes we used to publish. Residents in Westside Eagle Observer country are so very lucky to be able to call this area home. Even though we do travel at a faster speed than a decade ago, we're not crowded out of the good hometown feeling that is so much a part of our daily lives and culture.

Time to draw this to a close and go into that annual trance to dredge up a few predictions for the New Year. What's that you say, "Isn't he in a trance all the time?" Don't hold your breath; it's coming out of that perpetual trance when the predictions show up. It's just a little reminder that it's still fun to have a little fun in life and to remind us to be thankful for the blessings we remember during Thanksgiving time. And now it's again time to recall those Christmas memories, especially remembrance of the "Reason for the Season." Please insert the word "True" before that saying. There really is an answer to bring peace to mankind, or "peoplekind" if you insist, if ... may the new year bring a calming change as we move forward to shape it so that Westside folks are right up there with the Danes -- "The Hy-happiest people in the world." An old-time comedian always ended his program with two simple words: "God Bless."

Dodie Evans is the former owner and long-time editor of the Gravette News Herald. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

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Off the Cuff - Westside Eagle Observer

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