[Listen] Com Truise New Trance Groove is Smooth – Mix 247 EDM

Posted: June 16, 2017 at 3:28 pm

Com Truise just released his fifth album on Friday the 16th. The album, titled Iteration, marks his first album since 2014s 7 song EP Wave 1. It has definitely been worth the wait. In an era where its more about what producer is putting out the biggest anthem, its nice to see an artist embrace trance and give us the smooth, grooving album we deserve.

Photo Credit: Tonje Thilesen

With Iteration, Com Truise is giving us electronic music we can sit to. But more than that. The warm beats and flowing music dont lack energy and are conducive to productivity. With a title derived from a word that means the repetition of a process of utterance, we can tell its going to be good getting-stuff-done music.

Thats looking at Iteration more practically, though. Theres more to the album than a process. Theres also feeling, emotion. Each song tells a story as the melody moves forward, constantly shifting. The music is intimate and sensual, something you could listen to with a special someone when the mood is right.

This album is a blend of many things, and Com Truise blends them well. Each song compliments the next, with none of them trying to stand above the others. That said, I have a particular fondness for Propogation and Iteration. Those tracks each have a story to tell and they swell from slower and quiet to having more of a driving beat and many layers of music.

Personally, Com Truise might be my new go-to artist when I want something chill to put on or want some music to help me through cleaning the house. With each iteration of Iteration, there always seems to be something new to hear. The way each song is a story, I can see some of his music used in movies. In fact, I would not be surprised to see him approached to compose a movie score sometime soon.

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[Listen] Com Truise New Trance Groove is Smooth - Mix 247 EDM

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