America’s Islam trance –

Posted: May 14, 2017 at 5:55 pm

Its not that unusual for an Islamic society.

After all, the usual features are all on display the Muslim call to prayer, the teaching of Islam in the nations schools to the exclusion of other religions, preferential treatment afforded Muslims by government and the courts, news coverage reflexively portraying Islam in a positive light, the rapid growth in mosque construction and also the disturbing cultural phenomena of female genital mutilation, honor killings and so on.

Except this is not Saudi Arabia or Egypt were talking about, or any of the worlds approximately 50 Muslim-majority countries.

This is the United States of America. Not America as it might be one day if current trends continue, but as it is right now today.

Thats right. While North Korea threatens to nuke the U.S. mainland, while the left (including most of the media) continues its infantile post-election meltdown into madness, while President Trump endeavors to remedy the torrent of national and international problems unleashed by his predecessor Barack Obama beneath the radar and largely out of view, America is inexorably becoming ever more Islamized.

While a few brave souls have been sounding the alarm over the progressive inroads Shariah Islam is making into American culture, schools,colleges, religion,medicine,law, government and even the military, perhaps the most important question that needs to be addressed at this point is, why?

Why, when Judeo-Christian America has been hands-down the most successful nation in history indeed why, when Americans are blessed with a crystal ball called Europe in which they can clearly see the disastrous future awaiting a once-Christian civilization that recklessly embraces Islamic expansionism would we continue down the same suicidal path that has led to Europes virtual suicide?

There are several reasons, some obvious, some less so.

Lets start with the obvious: Power-mad Beltway Democrats obsession with importing multitudes of voters in hopes of attaining a permanent progressive voting majority, since statistically the vast majority of Muslims in America vote Democrat. Big businesss selfish desire for cheap immigrant labor. Liberal-left Christians naive compulsion to welcome Muslim refugees, not simply to help the needy and downtrodden, but to prove to others and to themselves that they are good people and not racists, Islamophobes or xenophobes. And of course, Muslim Brotherhood-front organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations go-to tactic of exploiting Americas expansive First Amendment religious freedom protections to aggressively advance their Shariah-supremacist agenda.

WND READERS CAN HELP finally expose CAIRs subversive and dangerous agenda, once and for all, by contributing to the legal defense of WNDs Muslim Mafia author in a historic legal case soon coming to trial. Read more here.

But there are othernot-so-obvious, but ultimately more fundamental, reasons America is bending over backward to welcome the growth and influence of an ideology openly dedicated to dominating us.

To understand the forces truly at work here, we need to focus for a few moments on the most basic, core, bottom-line issues of life: Unlike previous generations of Americans who grew up under the strong moral umbrella of Judeo-Christian values, tens of millions of todays Americans and indeed virtually the entirety of our nations elites have essentially abandoned the biblical understanding of right and wrong, good and evil, morality and immorality, life and death that served for millennia as the moral foundation of Western Civilization.

Lets get specific: What we cryptically call the left which for the last two to three generations has shaped American life, politics, culture and government simplycannot operate without violating all of the Ten Commandments. Replacing Americans traditional Judeo-Christian reverence for life and higher law is the lefts substitute religion, which violates Gods commandments even as it celebrates its false gods of reproductive rights (Thou shalt not kill), sexual freedom (Thou shalt not commit adultery), wealth redistribution (Thou shalt not steal) and so on. Moreover, as I document in The Snapping of the American Mind, because of this rebellion against reality, the left has succeeded, whether intentionally or not, in pushing millions of decent Americans right over the edge into widespread dependency, debauchery, family breakdown, crime, corruption, addiction, despair and suicide.

This inversion of Americans traditional core values, which causes us, for example, to glorify and celebrate immorality, perversion and mental illness (like troubled people amputating healthy body parts and pretending to be the opposite sex) while reviling and punishing virtue (like the Christian county clerk jailed for conscientiously objecting to signing a marriage license for two homosexuals) is the same inversion of values that inspires us to enthusiastically import into our country as many people as possible who are steeped in a religious and political ideology dedicated to crushing our own.

Its as though were living in a hypnotic trance, in a dream state, wherein we are moving in slow motion toward certain destruction. A few of us see the danger and shout warnings, but to no avail. No one seems to hear us, or else if they do hear they dont comprehend the peril and instead attack us and call us terrible names or worse.

Bizarre alliance

Lets take a closer look now at the bizarre alliance between two seemingly incompatible utopian ideologies the progressive left and expansionist Islam currently undermining America at every turn. After all, those on the Democratic left are continually defending, excusing and running interference for Islamic supremacists in America, not to mention welcoming into our countrythousands of Muslims from the most radicalizedregions on earth. Why would they do that?

The alliance between the left and Islam can best be explained by the overarching reality that both share a common enemy, Christianity. Thus does the left warmly sidle up to Islam, which, truth be known, were it in charge would destroy the left, throwing members of some of the lefts main constituent groups off buildings or hanging or stoning or otherwise executing or enslaving them.

Both since the Marxist left and Shariah Islam both detest and fear Christian civilization more than each other, they therefore are natural, albeit temporary, allies in their shared aim to defeat a common enemy. (After all, America temporarily allied with Stalin to defeat Hitler.)

Andrew C. McCarthy is the former federal prosecutor who convicted the notorious blind sheikh and other jihadists for waging a terror war against America, including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. He explores the strange alliance between Islam and the left in his 2010 book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America.

Zeroing in on the disturbingly symbolic yet pregnant-with-meaning spectacle of President Barack Obama scandalously bowing waist-deep to Saudi dictator King Abdullah bin Abdul Azziz, McCarthy asks the obvious: Why would the leader of the free world grovel before a corrupt Muslim potentate?

Because, writes McCarthy, Saudi Arabia is the cradle of Islam. More specifically, it is the bottomless purse and symbolic crown of a movement which aims at nothing less than supplanting Western political, economic and cultural values. The subversion of those values is Obamas fondest wish: the work of his presidency, the Hope behind the Change. The president was bowing to a shared dream.

Setting aside as equally irrelevant both Obamas Muslim affiliation as a youth in Indonesia and his professed Christianity as an adult, McCarthy observes: The faith to which Obama actually clings is neocommunism. It is a leftism of the most insidious kind: secular and uncompromising in its rejection of bourgeois values, but feverishly spiritual in its zeal to tear down the existing order, under the banner of its all-purpose rally-cry: social justice.

Neocommunists need not adhere to a formal religion, explains McCarthy. Instead, they tend to infuse causes like environmentalism, privacy and secularism with religious fervor. For most leftists, though, religion is a useful tool. It is never a straitjacket because neocommunists consider themselves no more bound by the strictures of creed than by the constraints of tradition.

Still, one wonders, how could the lefts consuming utopian obsessions possibly mesh with the equally uncompromising demands of Shariah Islam, bent on world domination for 14 centuries? The former federal prosecutor of terrorists explains the strange dynamics allowing this alliance:

Nihilism is the key. Todays hard left is defined by what it is against: the United States, free-market capitalism, and any foreign policy premised on defending American interests or promoting individual liberty. Only this part of the agenda is concrete, leaving neocommunism elastic enough to strike alliances with any movement that shares it. What neocommunists are for, by contrast, is a set of abstractions social justice, equality, redistributive rights, the rule of law, and, of course, our values. The details of those can be worked out later, once the more pressing imperative of undoing the existing order has been realized.

In other words, says McCarthy, to the left, change is not designed to create a new system. Its purpose is to destroy the old one. What comes next is negotiable. Thus, he explains:

That is why neocommunism aligns so seamlessly with revolutionary movements catalyzed by religious fervor. What comes next for a millenarian movement may not be negotiable, but before the new can be imposed the old must be swept aside. That calls for collaboration among all factions that need to depose the established order, even if their ultimate designs dont perfectly mesh.

Theres another critical dynamic that explains, at least in part, the cravenly pro-Muslim trance state of the leftist media, academy and culture: Terrorists provide powerful public relations cover for non-violent moderate Muslims seeking the same ultimate end as jihadists for America to become Islamic. As McCarthy explains:

Just as the Soviet collapse has been a boon for the left, the ferocity and overreach of Muslim terrorists has been a dual boon for Islamism. So atrocious has been the bloodbath wrought by al Qaeda, its affiliates and its imitators that it has enabled more methodical Muslim extremists to operate under the radar. Repeated terror strikes, culminating in the death of nearly 3,000 innocents and the surreal demolition of the seemingly impregnable Twin Towers, shock Americans and their government into a myopic determination to prevent additional mass-murder attacks.

In this climate of fear, the calculating but apparently non-violent Islamist compares favorably with the uncompromising, blood-soaked Islamist terrorist. He is thus regarded as cause of hope indeed, as a moderate by government and opinion elites. This, despite the fact that his agenda is essentially the same as the terrorists: Only their methods differ, and even those differences are shades of gray.

We are just scratching the surface here. I invite you to join me in exploring this crucial subject much more fully in the current eye-opening issue of Whistleblower magazine, titled HOW ISLAM IS SECRETLY TRANSFORMING AMERICA.

WND READERS CAN HELP finally expose CAIRs subversive and dangerous agenda, once and for all, by contributing to the legal defense of WNDs Muslim Mafia author in a historic legal case soon coming to trial. Read more here.

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America's Islam trance -

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