What the Tech: Neuro-Bio Monitor Technology – KFDX

Posted: February 7, 2017 at 8:07 am

If you're too lazy to pick up a remote control someday your problem will be solved.

Dozens of companies are working on technology that will allow humans to control computers, prosthetic limbs and televisions using only their brain.

One such company is Freer Logic and Changhong Electric Company. I stumbled across their exhibit at CES this year and it kind of blew my mind.

"This is a neuro-bio monitor technology," developer Peter Freer told me. He had a man sitting on a couch in front of a television as I walked by. On screen was a driving simulator that the man was controlling. He didn't have a remote control in his hand, Freer said he was using his brain to move the car down the road.

"It's the first time in history we've been able to monitor brain activity from a distance without touching it," he said.

Brain and mind control technology is relatively new but almost all of that technology requires a person to strap on a headband. Freer Logic's sensors were built in a headrest and if you're head is close enough to it, around 1 foot or less, the sensors can tell whether you're paying attention to something or not.

"We can monitor his brain state without every touching him," Freer said.

As I watched the man use the simulator he merely focused on the screen to make the video play with the car driving down a road. When Peter and I talked, the man became distracted from the simulator. As he did the video stopped.

Freer said the company is developing the technology further and is working with automobile manufacturers and their OEMs to implement it in vehicles for safety.

"We can develop a drowsiness algorithm so we can detect when truck drivers or people driving their cars get drowsy before their eyes start to droop," Free said.

Seeing this technology in action is, well, mind-blowing but it's almost here for consumers.

Last week it was reported that Netflix has been talking with developers about brain controlled technology that would allow its customers to search for a movie by just thinking of it.

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What the Tech: Neuro-Bio Monitor Technology - KFDX

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