Regents approve universities’ three-year Technology and Research Initiative Fund plans for FY 2022 – Arizona Board of Regents

Posted: November 21, 2021 at 10:11 pm

Back to ListingNovember 18, 2021

TheArizonaBoard of Regentshas approvednew, three-yearfundingproposals fromArizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Arizonathat will enable criticaltechnology and research advancementsthrough the Technology and Research Initiative Fund.

Established throughProp.301and utilizingsales tax revenues, TRIF funds vitalresearch inpublic health, water, national securitysystems, workforce development andother key areasat Arizonas public universities.TRIF delivers a tremendous return on investment for Arizona taxpayers. In FY 2021, the state invested $112.3 million in TRIF funds and in that same year, Arizonas public universities generated $465 million in TRIF-enabled research from the previous TRIF investment. Total TRIF revenue received to date since the inception of the program in June 2001 is well over a billion dollars.

Our universities are on the leading edge of innovative research and development that will benefit Arizona and the world long into the future, said ABOR Chair Lyndel Manson. These dollars will fund critical research that ensures ASU, NAU andUArizonato continue to act as problem-solvers and promote the long-term prosperity, health, security and strength of Arizona communities.

Based on the universitiesproposals, the board will distribute an annual base amount of TRIF revenues to the universities under the following allocations:

ASU: $32 million per year

NAU: $16 million per year

UA: $32 million per year

TRIF is a unique and vital revenue source established to advanceour university enterprises greatest mission: making Arizona more competitive in the global economy, saidRegent Fred DuVal,chair of the Research and Health Sciences Committee. We recognize this funding is made possible through sales tax dollars being spent in our state every day by the people of Arizona theyare our investors,and our universities areheldaccountable for their investmentby providinggroundbreaking research that drives direct, realsolutionsfor the citizens of Arizona.

Each university proposal focuses on five strategic research areas:Improving Health; Water, Environment and Energy Solutions; National Security Systems; Space Exploration and Optical Solutions; and Workforce Development.Highlights of the approved plans for each university include:


Support of the ASUBiodesign Institute in addressingsocietys greatest challenges in biomedical health, environmental sustainability and national security, including:

Development of new waysto rapidlydetect and diagnoseCOVID-19.

Expansion of efforts in cybersecurity,artificial intelligenceand more to bolster online security.

Establishment of theBiodesign Center for Sustainable Macromolecular MaterialsandManufacturing to focus onthesustainablemanufacturingofenvironmentally-friendly materials.

Creation of the Arizona Coalition for Comprehensive Evaluation of Long-COVID (ACCEL).

In partnership with Abrazo Health, Dignity Health, Honor Health, Mayo Clinic,ValleywiseHealthand more, ACCEL will establish collaborative researchto better determine who is at greatest risk of severe COVID-19, including the development of long-term symptoms associated with the virus.

Funding for ASUs Global Futures Laboratory Programming to support multiple programs focused on new energy systems, water-related research and more to advance sustainability.


Support of NAUs Pathogen Genomics program to enable the rapid and reliable detection, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and emerging bio-threats.

Develop new flexible programming pathways that meet the unique labor demand and support needs of the communities and regions surrounding NAUs 20 statewide sites.

Academic programming includes, but not limited to, bachelor's and masters degrees with embedded micro-credentials and certificates that meets workforce demand and of statewide employers.

Expansion of impactful community health research program to reduce health disparities.

Includes research into chronic health conditions such as cardiac disease, obesity, dental health, communicative disabilities, cancer and more.

Community health researchers equip Native American, Hispanic and other students with multidisciplinary training to expand access to health resources in rural and underserved communities.

Expansion of the delivery of cross-disciplinary 90/30 academic programs delivered online and statewide that align with current and projected workforce trends.

Addition of undergraduate research opportunities.

Support ofhealth care initiatives to benefit aging populations.

Advancement ofresearch and development to better understandaging processes; development and progression of age-related diseases; potential treatments and interventions; and methods to promote independent living among older Arizonans.

Special focus onbrain diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinsonsand other neurological conditions.

Expansion of cyberdefense initiatives.

Cyberdefense activities are intended to develop countermeasures and solutions to phishing, ransomware, advanced persistent threatand more.

Thesetechnology andresearch investments are vitalfor our universitiesand Arizona as a whole enabling groundbreaking research to solve some of the greatest challenges of our time, said ABOR Executive Director John Arnold. From advancements in health care to cybersecurity and waterconservation, our universities are developing and bringing to market the technologies that are improving the lives of Arizona families every day.

The approvedthree-year TRIF plans for ASU, NAU andUArizonacan be viewed in their entiretyhere.

Contact:Sarah Harper, 602-229-2542, 602-402-1341 | Sarah.K.Harper@azregents.eduJulie Newberg, 602-229-2534 |

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Regents approve universities' three-year Technology and Research Initiative Fund plans for FY 2022 - Arizona Board of Regents

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