New technology detects unique features in lemur faces – CBS News

Posted: February 24, 2017 at 6:18 pm

Do all lemurs look the same? Not to LemurFaceID, the new facial-recognition software customized to identify unique features in lemurs faces.

Crouse et al BMC Zoology 2017

When observing wildlife behavior in a natural setting, researchers typically need to keep their distance, making it challenging to identify individual animals and track their movements and activity over time.

One new method recently developed for observingred-bellied lemurstakes a high-tech approach to long-distance identification, using modified facial-recognition software.

Biologists collaborated with computer engineers to adapt software designed to recognize human faces, creating a new program dubbed LemurFaceID, which they described in a new study. The software detects unique features in lemur faces so that researchers can pinpoint individuals even in the absence of features such as scars or injuries, and without causing the lemurs undue stress that comes with capture. [Wild Madagascar: Photos Reveal Islands Amazing Lemurs]

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Previously, the most accurate means of identifying individual lemurs involved trapping and tagging the animals. But LemurFaceID only requires a frontal-view photo of a lemurs face a lemur mug shot which is then uploaded to a database and analyzed by algorithms tailored to work onlemur faces, evaluating variability in facial hair patterns and in other unique facial features.

Using LemurFaceID, scientists assembled a database from 462 photographs of 80 known red-bellied lemurs living in Madagascars Ranomafana National Park. In 100 trials, the software correctly identified individual lemurs from images with nearly 98 percent accuracy, the researchers reported.

We demonstrate that the LemurFaceID system identifies individual lemurs with a level of accuracy that suggestsfacial-recognition technologyis a potential useful tool for long-term research on wild lemur populations, the study authors wrote online Feb. 17 in the journalBioMed Central Zoology.

Red-bellied lemurs in Madagascar male (left) and female (right). Males have distinctive white coloration around their eyes, and the unique patterns help biologists to identify individual animals.

Joseph Falinomenjanahary

LemurFaceID offers a means for scientists to quickly determine if newly sighted lemurs are unique, and could help scientists track long-term individuals over the long term. The software could even track lemurs that have been poached and sold illegally, study co-author Rachel Jacobs, a biological anthropologist with the Center for the Advanced Study of Paleobiology at The George Washington University,said in a statement.

Facial-recognition softwaresuch as LemurFaceID could also be applied to other species that have similar variations in the patterns of their facial hair and skin -- for example, red pandas, sloths, bears and raccoons -- and could reduce the risk of injury that animals face from traditional capture and collar methods, the researchers wrote in their journal article.

We see lots of different potential applications for this, study co-author Stacey Tecot, an assistant professor at the University of Arizona School of Anthropology, said in the statement. This is just the first step for us in taking this in many directions.

Original article onLive Science. All rights reserved.

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New technology detects unique features in lemur faces - CBS News

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