New York, March 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Global Deception Technology Industry" - 8%. The shifting dynamics supporting this growth makes it critical for businesses in this space to keep abreast of the changing pulse of the market. Poised to reach over US$2.6 Billion by the year 2025, Solutions will bring in healthy gains adding significant momentum to global growth.
- Representing the developed world, the United States will maintain a 16.5% growth momentum. Within Europe, which continues to remain an important element in the world economy, Germany will add over US$92 Million to the regions size and clout in the next 5 to 6 years. Over US$111.7 Million worth of projected demand in the region will come from Rest of Europe markets. In Japan, Solutions will reach a market size of US$183.1 Million by the close of the analysis period. As the worlds second largest economy and the new game changer in global markets, China exhibits the potential to grow at 15.2% over the next couple of years and add approximately US$412.8 Million in terms of addressable opportunity for the picking by aspiring businesses and their astute leaders. Presented in visually rich graphics are these and many more need-to-know quantitative data important in ensuring quality of strategy decisions, be it entry into new markets or allocation of resources within a portfolio. Several macroeconomic factors and internal market forces will shape growth and development of demand patterns in emerging countries in Asia-Pacific. All research viewpoints presented are based on validated engagements from influencers in the market, whose opinions supersede all other research methodologies.
- Competitors identified in this market include, among others,
Read the full report:
An Introduction to the Deception Technology MarketBenefits of Deception TechnologyA Prelude to Deception Technology MarketDeception Technology Market in the Medical SectorMarket Share in North AmericaMARKET SHARE IN EUROPEMARKET SHARE IN ASIA-PACIFICKey Players of the MarketGlobal Competitor Market SharesMarket Share by Product TypeMarket Share by Key PlayersMarket Share by ApplicationsDeception Technology Competitor Market Share Scenario Worldwide(in %): 2019 & 2025
Deception Technology Market Drivers and RestraintsRise in Data Breaches and Cyber-Attacks is Driving theDeception Technology MarketAdvancements in Deception Technology Market
Table 1: Deception Technology Global Market Estimates andForecasts in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2018-2025Table 2: Deception Technology Market Share Shift across KeyGeographies Worldwide: 2019 VS 2025Table 3: Solutions (Component) World Market by Region/Countryin US$ Thousand: 2018 to 2025Table 4: Solutions (Component) Market Share Breakdown ofWorldwide Sales by Region/Country: 2019 VS 2025Table 5: Services (Component) Potential Growth MarketsWorldwide in US$ Thousand: 2018 to 2025Table 6: Services (Component) Market Sales Breakdown byRegion/Country in Percentage: 2019 VS 2025Table 7: Application Security (Deception Stack) GeographicMarket Spread Worldwide in US$ Thousand: 2018 to 2025Table 8: Application Security (Deception Stack) Market ShareDistribution in Percentage by Region/Country: 2019 VS 2025Table 9: Data Security (Deception Stack) World Market Estimatesand Forecasts by Region/Country in US$ Thousand: 2018 to 2025Table 10: Data Security (Deception Stack) Market ShareBreakdown by Region/Country: 2019 VS 2025Table 11: Endpoint Security (Deception Stack) World Market byRegion/Country in US$ Thousand: 2018 to 2025Table 12: Endpoint Security (Deception Stack) Market ShareDistribution in Percentage by Region/Country: 2019 VS 2025Table 13: Network Security (Deception Stack) World MarketEstimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2018to 2025Table 14: Network Security (Deception Stack) Market PercentageShare Distribution by Region/Country: 2019 VS 2025Table 15: Cloud (Deployment) Market Opportunity AnalysisWorldwide in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2018 to 2025Table 16: Cloud (Deployment) Market Share Distribution inPercentage by Region/Country: 2019 VS 2025Table 17: On-Premise (Deployment) World Market byRegion/Country in US$ Thousand: 2018 to 2025Table 18: On-Premise (Deployment) Market Share Breakdown ofWorldwide Sales by Region/Country: 2019 VS 2025Table 19: BFSI (End-Use Vertical) Potential Growth MarketsWorldwide in US$ Thousand: 2018 to 2025Table 20: BFSI (End-Use Vertical) Market Sales Breakdown byRegion/Country in Percentage: 2019 VS 2025Table 21: Energy & Utilities (End-Use Vertical) GeographicMarket Spread Worldwide in US$ Thousand: 2018 to 2025Table 22: Energy & Utilities (End-Use Vertical) Market ShareDistribution in Percentage by Region/Country: 2019 VS 2025Table 23: IT & Telecom (End-Use Vertical) World MarketEstimates and Forecasts by Region/Country in US$ Thousand: 2018to 2025Table 24: IT & Telecom (End-Use Vertical) Market ShareBreakdown by Region/Country: 2019 VS 2025Table 25: Retail (End-Use Vertical) World Market byRegion/Country in US$ Thousand: 2018 to 2025Table 26: Retail (End-Use Vertical) Market Share Distributionin Percentage by Region/Country: 2019 VS 2025Table 27: Other End-Use Verticals (End-Use Vertical) WorldMarket Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand byRegion/Country: 2018 to 2025Table 28: Other End-Use Verticals (End-Use Vertical) MarketPercentage Share Distribution by Region/Country: 2019 VS 2025
GEOGRAPHIC MARKET ANALYSISUNITED STATESMarket Facts & FiguresUS Deception Technology Market Share (in %) by Company: 2019 &2025Market AnalyticsTable 29: United States Deception Technology Market Estimatesand Projections in US$ Thousand by Component: 2018 to 2025Table 30: United States Deception Technology Market ShareBreakdown by Component: 2019 VS 2025Table 31: United States Deception Technology Market Estimatesand Projections in US$ Thousand by Deception Stack: 2018 to2025Table 32: United States Deception Technology Market ShareBreakdown by Deception Stack: 2019 VS 2025Table 33: Deception Technology Market in US$ Thousand in theUnited States by Deployment: 2018-2025Table 34: United States Deception Technology Market ShareBreakdown by Deployment: 2019 VS 2025Table 35: United States Deception Technology Market Estimatesand Projections in US$ Thousand by End-Use Vertical: 2018 to2025Table 36: United States Deception Technology Market ShareBreakdown by End-Use Vertical: 2019 VS 2025CANADATable 37: Canadian Deception Technology Market Estimates andForecasts in US$ Thousand by Component: 2018 to 2025Table 38: Deception Technology Market in Canada: PercentageShare Breakdown of Sales by Component for 2019 and 2025Table 39: Canadian Deception Technology Market Estimates andForecasts in US$ Thousand by Deception Stack: 2018 to 2025Table 40: Deception Technology Market in Canada: PercentageShare Breakdown of Sales by Deception Stack for 2019 and 2025Table 41: Deception Technology Market Analysis in Canada in US$Thousand by Deployment: 2018-2025Table 42: Canadian Deception Technology Market Share Breakdownby Deployment: 2019 VS 2025Table 43: Canadian Deception Technology Market Estimates andForecasts in US$ Thousand by End-Use Vertical: 2018 to 2025Table 44: Deception Technology Market in Canada: PercentageShare Breakdown of Sales by End-Use Vertical for 2019 and 2025JAPANTable 45: Japanese Market for Deception Technology: AnnualSales Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand by Componentfor the Period 2018-2025Table 46: Japanese Deception Technology Market Share Analysisby Component: 2019 VS 2025Table 47: Japanese Market for Deception Technology: AnnualSales Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand by DeceptionStack for the Period 2018-2025Table 48: Japanese Deception Technology Market Share Analysisby Deception Stack: 2019 VS 2025Table 49: Japanese Medium & Long-Term Outlook for DeceptionTechnology Market in US$ Thousand by Deployment: 2018-2025Table 50: Japanese Deception Technology Market Percentage ShareDistribution by Deployment: 2019 VS 2025Table 51: Japanese Market for Deception Technology: AnnualSales Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand by End-UseVertical for the Period 2018-2025Table 52: Japanese Deception Technology Market Share Analysisby End-Use Vertical: 2019 VS 2025CHINATable 53: Chinese Deception Technology Market Growth Prospectsin US$ Thousand by Component for the Period 2018-2025Table 54: Chinese Deception Technology Market by Component:Percentage Breakdown of Sales for 2019 and 2025Table 55: Chinese Deception Technology Market Growth Prospectsin US$ Thousand by Deception Stack for the Period 2018-2025Table 56: Chinese Deception Technology Market by DeceptionStack: Percentage Breakdown of Sales for 2019 and 2025Table 57: Deception Technology Market Estimates and Forecastsin China in US$ Thousand by Deployment: 2018-2025Table 58: Deception Technology Market in China: PercentageShare Analysis by Deployment for 2019 and 2025Table 59: Chinese Deception Technology Market Growth Prospectsin US$ Thousand by End-Use Vertical for the Period 2018-2025Table 60: Chinese Deception Technology Market by End-UseVertical: Percentage Breakdown of Sales for 2019 and 2025EUROPEMarket Facts & FiguresEuropean Deception Technology Market: Competitor Market ShareScenario (in %) for 2019 & 2025Market AnalyticsTable 61: European Deception Technology Market Demand Scenarioin US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2018-2025Table 62: European Deception Technology Market Share Shift byRegion/Country: 2019 VS 2025Table 63: European Deception Technology Market Estimates andForecasts in US$ Thousand by Component: 2018-2025Table 64: European Deception Technology Market Share Breakdownby Component: 2019 VS 2025Table 65: European Deception Technology Market Estimates andForecasts in US$ Thousand by Deception Stack: 2018-2025Table 66: European Deception Technology Market Share Breakdownby Deception Stack: 2019 VS 2025Table 67: European Deception Technology Market Assessment inUS$ Thousand by Deployment: 2018-2025Table 68: Deception Technology Market in Europe: PercentageBreakdown of Sales by Deployment for 2019 and 2025Table 69: European Deception Technology Market Estimates andForecasts in US$ Thousand by End-Use Vertical: 2018-2025Table 70: European Deception Technology Market Share Breakdownby End-Use Vertical: 2019 VS 2025FRANCETable 71: Deception Technology Market in France by Component:Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand for the Period2018-2025Table 72: French Deception Technology Market Share Analysis byComponent: 2019 VS 2025Table 73: Deception Technology Market in France by DeceptionStack: Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand for the Period2018-2025Table 74: French Deception Technology Market Share Analysis byDeception Stack: 2019 VS 2025Table 75: French Deception Technology Market Estimates andProjections in US$ Thousand by Deployment: 2018-2025Table 76: French Deception Technology Market Share Breakdown byDeployment: 2019 VS 2025Table 77: Deception Technology Market in France by End-UseVertical: Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand for thePeriod 2018-2025Table 78: French Deception Technology Market Share Analysis byEnd-Use Vertical: 2019 VS 2025GERMANYTable 79: Deception Technology Market in Germany: Recent Past,Current and Future Analysis in US$ Thousand by Component forthe Period 2018-2025Table 80: German Deception Technology Market Share Breakdown byComponent: 2019 VS 2025Table 81: Deception Technology Market in Germany: Recent Past,Current and Future Analysis in US$ Thousand by Deception Stackfor the Period 2018-2025Table 82: German Deception Technology Market Share Breakdown byDeception Stack: 2019 VS 2025Table 83: German Deception Technology Latent Demand Forecastsin US$ Thousand by Deployment: 2018-2025Table 84: German Deception Technology Market Share Breakdown byDeployment: 2019 VS 2025Table 85: Deception Technology Market in Germany: Recent Past,Current and Future Analysis in US$ Thousand by End-Use Verticalfor the Period 2018-2025Table 86: German Deception Technology Market Share Breakdown byEnd-Use Vertical: 2019 VS 2025ITALYTable 87: Italian Deception Technology Market Growth Prospectsin US$ Thousand by Component for the Period 2018-2025Table 88: Italian Deception Technology Market by Component:Percentage Breakdown of Sales for 2019 and 2025Table 89: Italian Deception Technology Market Growth Prospectsin US$ Thousand by Deception Stack for the Period 2018-2025Table 90: Italian Deception Technology Market by DeceptionStack: Percentage Breakdown of Sales for 2019 and 2025Table 91: Deception Technology Market Estimates and Forecastsin Italy in US$ Thousand by Deployment: 2018-2025Table 92: Deception Technology Market in Italy: PercentageShare Analysis by Deployment for 2019 and 2025Table 93: Italian Deception Technology Market Growth Prospectsin US$ Thousand by End-Use Vertical for the Period 2018-2025Table 94: Italian Deception Technology Market by End-UseVertical: Percentage Breakdown of Sales for 2019 and 2025UNITED KINGDOMTable 95: United Kingdom Market for Deception Technology:Annual Sales Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand byComponent for the Period 2018-2025Table 96: United Kingdom Deception Technology Market ShareAnalysis by Component: 2019 VS 2025Table 97: United Kingdom Market for Deception Technology:Annual Sales Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand byDeception Stack for the Period 2018-2025Table 98: United Kingdom Deception Technology Market ShareAnalysis by Deception Stack: 2019 VS 2025Table 99: United Kingdom Medium & Long-Term Outlook forDeception Technology Market in US$ Thousand by Deployment:2018-2025Table 100: United Kingdom Deception Technology MarketPercentage Share Distribution by Deployment: 2019 VS 2025Table 101: United Kingdom Market for Deception Technology:Annual Sales Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand byEnd-Use Vertical for the Period 2018-2025Table 102: United Kingdom Deception Technology Market ShareAnalysis by End-Use Vertical: 2019 VS 2025REST OF EUROPETable 103: Rest of Europe Deception Technology Market Estimatesand Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Component: 2018-2025Table 104: Rest of Europe Deception Technology Market ShareBreakdown by Component: 2019 VS 2025Table 105: Rest of Europe Deception Technology Market Estimatesand Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Deception Stack: 2018-2025Table 106: Rest of Europe Deception Technology Market ShareBreakdown by Deception Stack: 2019 VS 2025Table 107: Rest of Europe Deception Technology MarketAssessment in US$ Thousand by Deployment: 2018-2025Table 108: Deception Technology Market in Rest of Europe:Percentage Breakdown of Sales by Deployment for 2019 and 2025Table 109: Rest of Europe Deception Technology Market Estimatesand Forecasts in US$ Thousand by End-Use Vertical: 2018-2025Table 110: Rest of Europe Deception Technology Market ShareBreakdown by End-Use Vertical: 2019 VS 2025ASIA-PACIFICTable 111: Deception Technology Market in Asia-Pacific byComponent: Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand for thePeriod 2018-2025Table 112: Asia-Pacific Deception Technology Market ShareAnalysis by Component: 2019 VS 2025Table 113: Deception Technology Market in Asia-Pacific byDeception Stack: Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand forthe Period 2018-2025Table 114: Asia-Pacific Deception Technology Market ShareAnalysis by Deception Stack: 2019 VS 2025Table 115: Asia-Pacific Deception Technology Market Estimatesand Projections in US$ Thousand by Deployment: 2018-2025Table 116: Asia-Pacific Deception Technology Market ShareBreakdown by Deployment: 2019 VS 2025Table 117: Deception Technology Market in Asia-Pacific byEnd-Use Vertical: Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand forthe Period 2018-2025Table 118: Asia-Pacific Deception Technology Market ShareAnalysis by End-Use Vertical: 2019 VS 2025REST OF WORLDTable 119: Rest of World Deception Technology Market Estimatesand Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Component: 2018 to 2025Table 120: Deception Technology Market in Rest of World:Percentage Share Breakdown of Sales by Component for 2019 and2025Table 121: Rest of World Deception Technology Market Estimatesand Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Deception Stack: 2018 to 2025Table 122: Deception Technology Market in Rest of World:Percentage Share Breakdown of Sales by Deception Stack for 2019and 2025Table 123: Deception Technology Market Analysis in Rest ofWorld in US$ Thousand by Deployment: 2018-2025Table 124: Rest of World Deception Technology Market ShareBreakdown by Deployment: 2019 VS 2025Table 125: Rest of World Deception Technology Market Estimatesand Forecasts in US$ Thousand by End-Use Vertical: 2018 to 2025Table 126: Deception Technology Market in Rest of World:Percentage Share Breakdown of Sales by End-Use Vertical for2019 and 2025
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Global Deception Technology Industry - GlobeNewswire
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