Here’s how Earth looked to astronauts aboard the SpaceX capsule – CNN

Posted: November 29, 2020 at 6:31 am

NASA astronaut Victor Glover, one of the four astronauts aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule, posted a video on Twitter of the stunning view from Earth on his first-ever trip to space.

The video shows Glover sitting by a window soaking in the view from outer space. The astronaut, who is serving as a pilot and second-in-command on the Dragon, said the view was amazing but the video "doesn't do it justice."

NASA astronauts Michael Hopkins and Shannon Walker and Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi are also members of the mission, called Crew-1.

It marks the second-ever crewed flight of a SpaceX spacecraft.

The Crew-1 astronauts are expected to spend about six months on board the ISS, where they'll work on a variety of science experiments and conduct space walks to continue updates and repairs on the space station's exterior.

CNN's Jackie Wattles contributed to this report.

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Here's how Earth looked to astronauts aboard the SpaceX capsule - CNN

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