Falcon 9 is SpaceX’s 100th rocket to be launched historically – Entrepreneur

Posted: November 29, 2020 at 6:31 am

Once again, Elon Musk and his SpaceX team fulfill the space mission, in this case the 100th launch was achieved with Falcon 9, which put 60 Starlink satellites into orbit.

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November26, 20203 min read

On Tuesday, November 24 at night, SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket was successfully launched and not only that, it also managed to break the record - for the seventh time - of sending 60 satellites that will be put into orbit to provide satellite internet through of Starlink, which is a company that originated as a SpaceX project to create a constellation of internet satellites in order to provide broadband service, low latency and global coverage at a low cost. This launch made history with SpaceX's 100th space trip - Falcon 9 spacecraft - and Starlink's sixteenth mission.

The two-stage Falcon 9 rocket left Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 9:13 p.m. Tuesday. Subsequently, the booster returned to Earth and landed on the platform called "Of course I still love you." Falcon 9 was recovered in good condition and without mishaps. SpaceX has launched approximately 830 Starlink satellites that are already working.

The purpose of Starlink is to cover the planet with a network of 42,000 satellites that transfer the internet at high speed.

While we know that the Falcon 9 rocket can be reused. In September 2018, it participated in the Telstar 18 VANTAGE mission, in January 2019 it completed the Iridum-8 mission and four subsequent Starlink missions in 2019 and 2020.

An all-time record was met on this 23rd SpaceX 2020 launch mission, as it was the most trips made by the company in just this year.

As is already known, the project known as "Beta Better Than Nothing" is committed to bringing the Internet globally. On October 18, the SpaceX company began its public beta test for Starlink. Trials were conducted in the northern US and southern Canada, a public beta test is now planned for the entire North America launch. Based on this, the company continues to send satellites into our orbit.

According to the Starlink website, coverage is sought with its signal in the United States and Canada by the end of 2020 and "almost global coverage" by 2021.

Find out more: Prices for SpaceX's Starlink, Elon Musk's 'space internet' are leaked

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Falcon 9 is SpaceX's 100th rocket to be launched historically - Entrepreneur

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