Venture into the unknown – Los Angeles Times

Posted: January 27, 2022 at 11:55 pm

Everyone is always saying that we should get out of our comfort zones, but what does that actually mean? For me, it means to explore the unknown and its in the unknown that we can really grow and learn.

Through exploration of the unknown, humanity has been able to develop opportunities for success in every aspect of our society.

The subjects that students learn in science class today are derived from the exploration of the unknown. Without the great scientists and the research theyve committed themselves to, we would still be stuck in a state of perpetual stagnation.

For example, one of historys greatest scientists, first astronomers and initiator of our current space exploration programs was Galileo Galilei. Through careful planning and measurements along with a great deal of imagination, Galileo was able to create and perfect the telescope, a tool which has benefited us in space exploration for centuries.

Later he influenced many other leading scientists, such as Kepler, Newton, and our current NASA program (which has named a satellite after him), to continue his studies of the unknown universe. By taking the initiative and stepping into the investigation of the unknown, Galileo and many other noteworthy scientists were able to make a name for themselves and begin a new age of exploration, and human science will forever be in their debt.

However, the exploration of the unknown isnt limited to just academic values and knowledge. Revolutionists in both art and music have created entire eras of art, each being significantly different than the one before.

According to the National Gallery of Art, Pablo Picasso, founder of the art style Cubism, is a prime example of someone who spent their career changing what humanity knows of art. Although he was a conventional artist at the beginning of his career, his shift into what is now his most well known style of art is what made him influential.

Despite the fact that his art caused much controversy due to its unconventional depictions of what a normal painting should look like, by venturing into a new territory of art and exploring every corner of it, he was able to shape the concept of modern art.

An example of a pioneer in music is the well-known musician Louis Armstrong, who is credited with being one of the first and most prominent jazz musicians. As reported by the Louis Armstrong House, Armstrong started off rough with a difficult childhood, but he went on to become the first major jazz soloist and one of the most influential musicians of the twentieth century by producing a distinctly different style of trumpeting and incorporating a more formal yet loose style of swinging jazz that revolutionized the genre.

By breaking away from the constraints of normality, these artists and composers were able to bring about lasting changes and developments in the industry.

Not only can exploring the unknown benefit society as a whole, but it can also benefit one personally. When I was seven, I had taken an interest in rock climbing. On my eighth birthday, I asked my parents to hold my party at a local climbing gym. It would be my first time ever trying rock climbing.

Upon entering the facility with my friends, many of them decided that the feat was too scary for them. Being an adventurous third grader, I was determined to scale my first wall right then and there. However, while waiting in line for my turn, I began to get cold feet.

What if the rope snaps? What if I embarrass myself while trying to be cool?

Thoughts of doubt plagued my mind and soon it was my turn to start the climb. I was about to bail out on my chance when I realized that doubting myself into not partaking in an interest of mine was something that I was going to regret for years to come.

I hyped myself up for the climb and slowly started to scale the wall. About a quarter of the way through, I realized that I really enjoyed the experience and I started to climb faster. When I reached the top, I felt a certain sense of accomplishment that I wouldnt have felt if I had bailed out from the start.

To top my already proud self, the spotter who was handling the pulley gear told me that my climb was one of the best that shed ever seen from a junior and that I should consider continuing the sport.

From this experience, I learned that, although stepping out of my comfort zone and venturing out into the unknown was frightening, without the experience, I might have never found an interest that I was truly passionate about and even had a talent in.

The exploration of the unknown has provided the opportunity for the world to improve and augment itself in science, art, and beyond. Personally, it has definitely broadened my world and opened the doors to new experiences and growth.

What does the unknown have to offer you?

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Venture into the unknown - Los Angeles Times

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