Celebrating Space Exploration – Science NetLinks

Posted: February 15, 2017 at 12:26 am

On July 29, 1958, President Eisenhower signed into law the National Aeronautics and Space Act, which provided federal funding for research into space flight. Just over two months later, on Oct. 1, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) began operations. They responded quickly to the gauntlet thrown down by the Soviet Union with the 1957 launch of Sputnik and set to work exploring the universe around us. A little more than a decade after being created, NASA successfully sent men to the Moon.

Inspired by every new victory and challenged by each setback, NASA continues to explore the limits of space, sending regular missions out to seek new answers about what lies beyond our ken. These include the ongoing construction of the International Space Station, missions (such as Galileo, Cassini/Huygens, and Messenger) to explore the other planets of our solar system, explorations of comets and asteroids, and mapping the universe using satellites and telescopes from around the world.

These Science NetLinks resources provide a variety of rich media learning experiences to help students learn more about NASA and discover the history and future of space travel.

Spotlight on Space Exploration Grade Band: 6-12 Description: This collection of audio podcasts from Science Update offers students the opportunity to hear from NASA and its partners, as they explore worlds both near and far.

The End of an Era Grade Band: 6-12 Description: Learn more about Discovery's history and its various accomplishments in this blog post.

World Space Week Grade Band: 6-12 Description: Check out this blog post about the annual, worldwide festival celebrating space exploration.

Science Magazine's Breakthrough of the Year Grade Band: 6-12 Description: Learn more in this blog post about the 2014 scientific breakthrough deemed most important by Science Magazine.

A Brush with Greatness Grade Band: 6-12 Description: A testimony in blog format to the end of the space shuttle era.

Rest in Peace, Sally Ride: The First American Woman in Space Grade Band: 6-12 Description: A blog remembrance post about the importance of astronaut Sally Ride.

50 Years of SpaceTwo Pioneers Look Back Grade Band: 3-12 Description: This YouTube video by the European Space Agency looks 50 years of the space program. Sigmund Jhn and Vladimir Remek, former cosmonauts for the Soviet Intercosmos program, talk about their experiences in the beginning of the Space Age.

50 Years since Sputnik Grade Band: 6-12 Description: 50 Years Since Sputnik allows students to explore a diagram of the satellite itself as well as a timeline of space exploration.

NASA's 50th Anniversary Grade Band: 6-12 Description: NASA's official site marking the anniversary of its founding.

New Moon: Reds Launch First Space Satellite Grade Band: 6-12 Description: An old newsreel clip featuring an animation on the launch of Sputnik.

Space Race: The Untold Story Grade Band: 6-12 Description: This is a companion website to National Geographics special on the space race.

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Celebrating Space Exploration - Science NetLinks

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