Boeing Graduates 300 students from the Pathways to Space program in Africa – Airspace Africa

Posted: July 14, 2024 at 12:53 am

The first cohort of the Pathways to Space program, a new educational initiative arranged by the Future African Space Explorers STEM Academy (FASESA) and Boeing [NYSE:BA], celebrated their graduation on July 10, 2024, in Ethiopia.

After five months of immersive learning, 312 students, including 50% girls, from 63 schools in Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Tanzania have developed a keen interest in the space industry, shaping their career aspirations.

Pascal Chidozi, a 16-year-old graduate of the program in Nigeria, said: Participating in the Pathways to Space program has been a life-changing experience for me. Building payloads, testing them, and learning about satellite operations has not only deepened my passion for STEM but has also opened my eyes to the limitless possibilities in space exploration. The most memorable moment for me was launching a high-altitude balloon, which provided me with a hands-on understanding of the principles of flight. This program has inspired me to pursue a career in aerospace engineering, equipping me with the confidence and knowledge to chase my dreams.

The program culminated in the satellite prototype testing day, where students tested their prototypes in real-world conditions. This comprehensive experience developed their engineering skills, passion for space exploration, and prepared them for future education and careers.

FASESA and Boeing have set their sights on expanding the Pathways to Space program to other countries in Africa in the years to come. Starting next year, the program will offer both in-person and online participation, creating opportunities for more students across the African continent.

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Boeing Graduates 300 students from the Pathways to Space program in Africa - Airspace Africa

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