Singularity – Xbox 360: Video Games

Posted: June 22, 2016 at 11:42 pm

When I first heard of Singularity last fall, I was pretty happy since I like science fiction style FPS games. Well, after a delay or two the game came out and I am pretty happy I bought it.

PROS: -Eerie atmosphere (akin to FEAR) that can, and will, keep you on edge - unique enemies that each take some thought as how to defeat - A pretty good science fiction/alternate reality story (I won't spoil here) -Good gunfights, some thoughtful weaponry -Good multiplayer, unique because it isn't just another "soldier v soldier" match, instead it is creatures v soldiers -On normal, the campaign is probably 8 to 10 hours long, so it isn't short by any means, maybe typical of fps lengths. -It is similar to the Bioshock/System Shock 2 -I enjoy not knowing what situation will come next in the campaign, keeps me on edge - Campaign jumps between the year 2010 and the 1950s

CONS: -AI needs a little work, but puts up a decent fight (I'm on normal) -Not too many multiplayer modes yet -No subtitles or place to reference previously found notes and tape recordings -tape recordings -fairly linear story (I don't mind at all, but some people want a more sandbox style FPS, I guess) -Iffy Russian accents -Unfortunately, too many backwards "R" letters, and many of the films or posters are written in english, but using Russian Cyrillic characters to spell which seems lazy or cheesy to me since I know a bit of Russian.

It may seem like there are a lot of cons listed, but really they are nothing major and more of just personal taste for me. I really enjoy this game and intend to play it for quite a while. If you like atmospheric FPS games then go and buy this. Ideally you should have pre-ordered as it came with a free copy of the 360 game "Prototype", a 1GB usb memory stick, and a multiplayer skin for the regular price of an Xbox 360 game.

See the article here: Singularity - Xbox 360: Video Games

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