Why Romania is a better post-lockdown holiday option than the Seychelles – Telegraph.co.uk

Posted: January 25, 2021 at 5:02 am

But I stray from my point. The main thing is, avoid the settlement of Glod which means mud. Spend the first few days of this, your holiday of a lifetime, in Bucharest. Contemplate the shockingly huge white palace and thoughts of what might have been yet more international debt and oppression and indeed what was. All aristocrats were rudely awoken en masse, loaded onto trucks and shipped over the border.

Then set off with a glad heart and perhaps a stiff drink into the countryside, there to explore the wonders of Romania today fields worked as our ancestors did, 200 years ago. Over yonder, stoic horses pull their plough. Near at hand,scarfed ladies scuttle homeward crossing themselves fearfully, as the skies strangely darken and mists roll in.

Now, far be it for me to indulge in crude rustic stereotypes of backward Middle Europe the very idea! But I feel no homage to Romania would be complete without reference to Count Dracula. Really, theres no escaping him ever since Vlad the Impaler (c. 142877) began impaling local denizens, and Bram Stoker for good measure threw in howling wolves and vampirism.

The poor Romanians. Just because a certain Late Victorian author successfully found a means of channelling our repressed Gothic fantasies some of these blatantly sexual, I tell you the Transylvanians have been lumbered with a whole lot of other peoples wants.As if Romania hasnt suffered enough. Have I mentioned the plague of 181314?

Look, theres much more to say less silly stuff, about castles decaying in splendour,exquisite forests, crumbling spa towns and a thriving shoe manufacturing sector.The serious point is this: Romania has a profound depth which the Seychelles do not.The latter have got fine nature reserves but for the most theyre just islands of superficiality, beaches of childish delight.They too feed on fantasies, but of calmlylapping waters and a land where you might forget. And thats the trouble. The place is forgettable. Romania, though, offers consequence. Yes there are still a few horses and carts, yes there are wolves if youre lucky. Also, theres history, and a population emerging from a great darkness.

And that I find immeasurably reassuring in these unsettling times. Romania has no turquoise sea but its got the blue Danube, and its also got meaning and resilience. I love the place.


Why Romania is a better post-lockdown holiday option than the Seychelles - Telegraph.co.uk

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