Biodiversity in the Seychelles – Deutsche Welle

Posted: April 15, 2017 at 5:56 pm


To help save the Coco de Mer, a giant type of coconut that weighs up to 30 kilos, the UN Development Program is assisting the Seychelles in finding ways to ensure that it has the necessary funding.

The archipelago off the coast of East Africa is set for its first transition of power between parties since a 1977 coup. The People's Party has ruled the islands since the return to a multi-party system in 1993. (11.09.2016)

Germans protest industrial scale farming, while Venezuela explores urban agriculture. In Cape Town, farmers battle drought and water waste. And why coconuts have become an election issue in India. (27.01.2017)

You can receive the following channels via our partners. (19.08.2016)

Smog impacts peoples health and causes lung diseases. The problem: You cant really see or smell it. Now a start-up has built a device which measures air quality and tells users when the concentration is high.

Overfishing has depleted fish stocks off the Kenyan coast. Now to keep the ecosystem in balance, a nature conservancy -employs 32 controllers to monitor fish stocks and supervise fishing methods.

Overfishing has depleted fish stocks off the Kenyan coast. Now to keep the ecosystem in balance, a nature conservancy employs 32 controllers to monitor fish stocks and supervise fishing methods.

African masks have a history almost as long as the continent to which they belong, but an artist in Ghana has given them a whole new twist by making them out of waste. Meet the inimitable Ed Franklin Gavua.

Send us your stories, photos and videos and we will showcase them on our website where they can inspire others to do their bit too.

Meet a man who's doing his bit for the environment by digging holes in urban India. It might sound unlikely, but it's helping to prevent both flooding and drought. Welcome to the world of the recharge well.

Overfishing has depleted fish stocks off the Kenyan coast. Now to keep the ecosystem in balance, a nature conservancy -employs 32 controllers to monitor fish stocks and supervise fishing methods.

"Nature provides exceptions to everyrule." Margaret Fuller, 1843

In many parts of Europe, black vultures have died out. Yet on the Spanish island of Mallorca the birds of prey have survived - largely due to shepherds. But even there life is getting difficult for the vultures.

The half-hour radio show and podcast Living Planet makes the environment matter to you.

Even if you only buy eggs from free-range or organic chicken farms, chances are you've also eaten eggs from caged animals. In light of the Easter holidays, we shed light on the sordid business of eggs.

A new report finds that about half the food consumed in Europe contains pesticide residues. The EU's food safety authority says there is no danger. Environmentalists aren't convinced.

Disappearing puffins, a platypus murder mystery and 3D-printed bird's legs. Join us as we take a look through the lens at some green events from around the world over the past week.

See the article here:

Biodiversity in the Seychelles - Deutsche Welle

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