Speed camera on Sealand Road will ‘prevent the same heartache’ – LeaderLive

Posted: March 29, 2017 at 11:50 am

Work is to begin on an average speed camera system next week following years of campaigning.

Flintshire Council has confirmed it is working in partnership with road safety charity GoSafe to install a 130,000 enforcement system on the A548 Sealand Road.

The scheme is the first of its kind in North Wales and is expected to be live within weeks of installation.

Studies carried out by the local authority identified the majority of the accidents have been shown to be speed related.

In a bid to curb the number of accidents the system will operate over a four km stretch of the A548, from the existing 40mph speed limit east of Manor Road to the county boundary with Cheshire.

The system will measure average speeds over the route and fixed penalty notices will be issued if vehicles are found to be exceeding the speed limit along the route.

Cllr Bernie Attridge, deputy leader of Flintshire Council and cabinet member for environment, worked with campaigners to get the camera installed.

He said the new speed deterrent would help save lives.

Im pleased now its gone through the process and its going to be installed, he said. Ive been a great advocate for this and I believe it will save lives on Sealand Road.

Campaigners have pushed for this and Im glad weve been able to put this in and it has the desired effect.

Appropriate signage will be installed at the entry points and additional repeater camera signs will be installed along the section of Sealand Road affected by the proposals.

The new speed camera system will manage the speeds of motorists along this route which has historically witnessed a number of serious, speed- related accidents.

Adam Dandy, whose business is situated on Sealand Road, is glad work is to get under way after years of campaigns.

He said: Ive spoken to families of those who lost lives there and they are overjoyed that this camera is coming in.

Hopefully it will save families from going through the same distress and heartache they have already been through.

Were made up this camera is being installed and it will be a lifesaver.

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Speed camera on Sealand Road will 'prevent the same heartache' - LeaderLive

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