A Successful Business Transformation from Defence Stalwart to F-35 Global Assignee, DECA Sealand – Business News Wales

Posted: May 2, 2017 at 11:26 pm

1st June Sealand A Successful Business Transformation from Defence Stalwart to F-35 Global Assignee, DECA Sealand

Defence Electronics & Components Agency (DECA) has been based in North Wales for little over a century. We are an executive agency owned by the Ministry of Defence, formerly part of the Electronics and Components Business Unit of the Defence Aviation Repair Agency, latterly the Defence Support Group.

Our organisational history has incorporated numerous Transformations in recent years transitioning from an active RAF station through to our current incumbent as a commercially funded Executive Agency of the MOD. Our strategic aim is to deliver best value for money services that sustain the Armed Forces at home and during deployment. Our customer excellence and continuous improvement programmes have ensured we remain highly competitive in a progressive industry however; key to our success is our uniquely diverse skillset delivering an MRO&U capability on legacy equipment through to present day technologies.

Our capability strategy ensured DECA were recently selected by the F-35 Joint Program Office to be the global repair hub providing maintenance, repair, overhaul and upgrade services for F-35 avionic and aircraft components.

The half day event will provide an overview of our Transformational journey from RAF station to respected MOD and Industry partner and will include a short presentation, site tour and light lunch incorporating a Q&A session with members of the Sealand team.

Cost: 20 + vat = 24 (Includes networking lunch)

BOOK AT: http://iwi.kinetic3.co.uk

Please note Host companies have final veto on delegates for their visits

For any online booking issues or queries contact Bill Jones (bjones@kinetic3.co.uk / 07788 917934)

WHEN: 1st June WHERE: Sealand


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A Successful Business Transformation from Defence Stalwart to F-35 Global Assignee, DECA Sealand - Business News Wales

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