Daughter tells of devastating goodbye to Covid-stricken dad and how she couldnt wipe her tears because of h – The Sun

Posted: January 5, 2021 at 2:35 pm

A HEARTBROKEN daughter has told of her devastating goodbye to her Covid-stricken dad just two days before Christmas.

Laura Waller, 26, was unable to wipe away her tears as she said goodbye to her 63-year-old father Kevin because she was decked head to toe in PPE.

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Brave Laura snapped a selfie of her face mask dripping in tears after she gave staff permission to turn off her dads life support machine, to warn others of his fate.

Now she is pleading with Brits to follow restrictions and to "stop playing roulette with a virus that doesn't care if it wipes out your entire family".

Along with the tragic picture, she explained in a Facebook post how the killer bug left her father with kidney and liver failure forcing doctors to place him in an induced coma in Southend Hospital in Essex.

She said: "The next time youre in a supermarket and dont want to wear a mask because it rubs your ear for five minutes, remind yourself of this.

"The next time youre getting arsey about having to queue outside for 10 minutes whilst crowd volumes go down inside, remind yourself of this.

"The next time you blindly walk past the hand sanitiser station because you simple cant be arsed, remind yourself of this.

"This isnt me trialling out for a new film. This isnt me on my way to some messed up fancy dress party.

"This is me leaving the ICU shortly after giving permission to the consultants to turn off my Dads life support after COVID had completely taken hold of his body and left him with a burst lung and kidney and liver failure, within five days of his admission.

"This is me unable to wipe my own tears due to the amount of protective equipment I was required to wear to even be allowed to enter the ward.

"But, at least I was in. I was in whilst my poor brother had to sit at home and say goodbye to his Dad and Best Friend on FaceTime due to the one in rule.


Laura then went on to highlight the pressure on the NHS, outlining the strain doctors, nurses and hospital staff are experiencing.

Yesterday as Boris Johnson placed England into a national lockdown he said the NHS could be totally overwhelmed within 21 days if no action was taken.

Meanwhile the Covid threat level was moved up to its highest level for the first time ever as the NHS faces the risk of collapsing.

Under the red level five alert, there is a "material risk" of hospitals being overwhelmed within weeks.

Laura continued: "Im upset. And Im angry.

"The nurses and doctors fighting this what seems to be losing battle are upset and angry.

"As I walk in, the consultant turns to me and says Weve f***ing had enough. Weve just had enough.

"They later tell me that they lost a gentleman that morning, and were preparing to lose his wife later that evening.

"Their eyes filled with tears as they explain they are doing everything they can. They feel like they have failed.

"But they havent failed. They have done everything but.

Laura is now urging all Brits to take the virus seriously.

She said: "Because of COVID, I will have no one to walk me down the aisle and my parents' table will be empty.

"Because of COVID, my children will now not only never meet their Nan, but they will never meet their grandad either.

"Because of COVID, my 85-year-old Nan has had to say goodbye to her only remaining child after previously losing her other 40 years earlier.

"Because of COVID, I am now left with no parents at the age of 26.

"We can sit around and blame this person or that person. We can say we didnt have enough knowledge or well I thought it would be fine.

"Well guess f***ing what, its not fine.

"Unless we as a country, and every single one of us in it, gets a f***ing grip and starts playing their part, nothing is going to change and it will be multiple other heartbroken families announcing their loss, every day, for months.

"Families are being ripped apart and completely destroyed by this god awful disease.

"Stop playing roulette with a virus that doesnt care if it wipes out your entire family.

"Because trust me, this isnt the ending you or any of your family deserve."

Once her heart-wrenching post was shared thousands of times, she thanked people for their support and hailed her parents heroes

She added: "The sheer volume of love from everyone for Dad just confirms what an absolute legend he was.

"As you can imagine, I am still in shock and havent even begun to accept Dads not coming back, but I know when it hits me like a freight train in a few weeks Ive got an amazing support network around me to try and keep me going.

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"Wishing everyone as happy a Christmas as you can have and praying for a safer and more normal 2021 for you all."

It comes as another daughter shared the heartbreaking last picture holding hands with her mum after Covid-19 devastated their family earlier this week.

Anabel Sharma, 49, also hospitalised withcoronavirus,lay in the hospital bed next to her mum Maria Rico, 76, in the snap - taken 24 hours before Maria sadly passed away from thevirus.



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Daughter tells of devastating goodbye to Covid-stricken dad and how she couldnt wipe her tears because of h - The Sun

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