‘Currently, we want to feature the live streaming aspect of our wheels usage’ – Yogonet International

Posted: November 6, 2020 at 8:54 am


ould you share an overall description of ClusterTech business today, mostly in terms of products and markets where you currently have operations? In how many jurisdictions, gaming properties can we find your automated roulette wheels?

ClusterTech International's products are marketed under our brand King Roulettes. Our automated roulette wheels that we sell on B2B basis are integrated into tens of worldwide gaming devices' brands, including some of the global industry leaders'. Novelty under King Roulettes brand are less known premium traditional wheels with or without an integrated ball reading system, intended for and users.

How is ClusterTech adapting to the new landscape brought on by the pandemic; which are the changes, key moves and strategies to leverage different resources, technologies to drive the fastest possible recovery? What is the current approach and status of your manufacturing and development areas?

With almost two decades in the narrow niche of the gaming industry, we learned to live with unpredictability. Currently, our manufacturing activities are scaled down, but with retained full operability and readiness to answer to the demand increase once the industry starts to recover. At the same time, we see this as an opportunity for the development which we are currently focused on.

Many jurisdictions have allowed casinos to reopen worldwide but under strict limitations, in some cases with a ban on live roulette. In which stage of the reopening process would you say we are in today, and what are your outlooks for the coming months? What is the current feedback from your customers and partners about the effects these restrictions are having? What role is pent-up demand playing?

Some of our best markets like the USA and Spain suffered most from this pandemic but our clients there did not give up. On the other hand, as we have clients from around the world there are always some for whom circumstances are relatively favorable. In my view, this crisis will start to fade by mid-2021. Thereafter pent-up demand is something to be expected because of both deprivation of social and amusement activities that people are missing, and deprived governments' budgets.

Which new demands and requirements from operators and players could you mention, and how are you working to meet those demands? Have you seen an increased demand for live streaming; how is your products' performance in that area today? Are you working on new options or technologies to further diversify your offering in that sense?

With many of our clients who are dedicated to steady improvement, we continuously work on the product perfection. Since roulette is after all a rather conservative game, the difference is often up to the subtle nuances, like ball bouncing or even the sound it produces, but also issues related to stability, maintenance, security, RNG, and of course, appearance. True quality in our niche means dedication to details. When it comes to preferences, they wary geographically dependently on the players' habits and so what is desirable in one part of the world may be quite opposite in another. However, with close cooperation on the product development, which considers feedback from tens of partners from around the world, we gather plentiful of information related to market requirements in our niche.

Where is your focus today in terms of markets, and where do you see growth potential? What are the next steps for the company; are you considering expansions to new markets in the mid term?

Currently, we want to feature the live streaming aspect of our wheels usage. Except being extremely robust and reliable, our wheels can very easily be set for standalone operation, and moreover, they can come with some special live streaming friendly features like fast-paced game cycle, matte surfaces, and anti-reflective glass. As for the further growth potential, after almost two decades in business, we are in the process of transition into a mature organization. Hence our concern is growing inwards, issues that are not the priority of younger companies, like internal quality standards and advanced knowledge management. This is something that's not visible on the surface but it definitively makes the difference when it comes to reliability and efficiency.

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'Currently, we want to feature the live streaming aspect of our wheels usage' - Yogonet International

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