What has Robotics got in store for our future? – RTE.ie

Posted: February 17, 2017 at 1:24 am

Updated / Thursday, 16 Feb 2017 16:03

RoboThespian, a life-size humanoid robot designed by Engineered Arts LTD, spoke about the future of robots at day two of Dublins Tech Summit.

The multilingual, interactive robot is designed to communicate in real time conversations with humans and was interviewed live for the first time at the summit today.

Joined on stage by Emmy Winning Veteran, CNN Anchor, Gina London , QuantumX & Bull in a China Shop Co- founder, Ben Jones and EMEA Lead at Cloud Native Apps and DevOps, Ed Hoppitt, RoboThespian, who was also referred to as George, said that the biggest question about technology is how we are going to function as a society and what do we choose for our future?"

Robots do whatever they are told to do. They dont ask questions and dont have conscious and the scary thing is not what the robot can do but what the human makes them do, he said.

He added that Star Wars is a very accurate vision of the future it looks at the way the shape might be and how they (robots) might function.

Addressing the question from anchor Gina London about how robotics will affect humans in society, Ben Jones said that the assistance of robots is going to be huge.

It is going to take away some of the functional things maybe going to support me when I am older. but most importantly it is going to allow humans to be humans, he said.

From my point of view it is hard being the human in this world, it is tiring, and the assistance of robots will help to make being a human easier.

"The best way to approach the integration of robotics into our everyday lives is to embrace it and just use them where they make sense, said Ed Hoppitt.

if they could just fix the unexpected item in the bagging area for me that would be a massive step forward in robotics, he added.

While robotics is really 20-30 years away, according to Jones, RoboThespian said that we have to now make wise decisions going forward and we need to stop and think.

We also have to get people in government land to really take this serious so we are not caught short when some country thinks of these robots for military, said Gina London.

Robots are going to rule the world but we are the humans, we are the emotion and we have got to hold onto that. she said.

By Lauren Ennis

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What has Robotics got in store for our future? - RTE.ie

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