Wayne robotics team bound for state championships – NorthJersey.com

Posted: February 17, 2017 at 1:24 am


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Team members make adjustments to their robot before the FTC FIRST Robotics state championship games which begin later this month.(Photo: Jessica Presinzano/NorthJersey.com)

WAYNE - Waynes robotics team will head to state championships in a few short weekswith their homemade robot ready to brave the vortex.

Each year the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition sports a different game for which students must design and build a custom robot in order to play. This years game, called velocity vortex tasks robots with pushing and tossing wiffle-like balls into goals for points on a 12-foot playing field. Robots must also activate beacons lining the field and can cap the rotating vortex with a large ball for a point bonus.

Last years game, Waynes first year of participation, also saw the teens to state championships, which is followed by a world championship. Last year amalfunction in their robot resulted in heartache for the team, but this year theyve resolved to make careful adjustments and perfect their robot with more time to spare.

"We're pretty confident," said Riya Patel.

The majority of the 10-person team are from Wayne Hills High School, however the team also includes a student from Wayne Valley High School, and two eighth graders from district middle schools.

Their mantra is use what weve learned in school, according to Sunny Patel, one of the teams captains.

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Team members counted courses in physics, math as well as auto CAD which help inform their robot design. Coach Robert Yost, Wayne Hills applied technology teacher previously served as a FIRST judge before beginning his own team in Wayne

In the back room of the workshop, senior Isabella Moran demonstrated how an idea can quickly become a prototype with the help of a laser cutter. Moran, a future engineer who also volunteers in the James Fallon Elementary School Lego Robotics program, said she often makes custom orders of keychains and other items for students on wood, acrylic and other materials using the machine.

Matt Riina, a junior, said the teams use of the program Solid Works allows them to draft and quickly 3D print or laser cut design parts to prototype, while CAD lets students test weight and force thresholds on designed pieces. Students can even simulate their robot on a virtual FIRST playing field, said Riina.

The new technology in the classroom helps students turn out a prototype in a day, saving precious time, added robotics mentor and parent, Dax Patel.

These kids are incredible. They're our future; there's no question about it.

However, programming is equally important.

During the competition, the game will begin with a two-minute period where robot alliances will work off pre-programmed instructions, or move autonomously. During the final 30 seconds, teams can take direct control.

The Patriotsrobot is loaded with sensors, said Marlin Kalutota, including those which detect color, to check which beacons need to be switched, and range sensors for more accurate shooting and movement.

This year, the teams design has earned them four awards in local competitions, including best autonomous operation. The team was also presented certificates of commendation from Mayor Chris Vergano for their efforts in robotics as they head to the next stage of the competition.

"These kids are incredible. They're our future; there's no question about it," said Vergano.

However, there are still challenges ahead. Team members cited improving the steadiness of the robots extendable arm and improving the capacity and accuracy of its ball shooter as areas for improvement the team is focusing on in their last week-and-a-half of development before the team must box their robot for state competitions.

On average the shooter is fairly accurate, however 20 to 30 percent of the time it doesnt work out like that, said Sunny Patel.

When not preparing their own robot, students are performing outreach. The students recently toured district elementary schools to spread awareness of robotics and challenge the students to innovate to solve a problem and even penned a letter to the White House.

Email: presinzanoj@northjersey.com

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Wayne robotics team bound for state championships - NorthJersey.com

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