Meridian robotics team gears up for Idaho FRC Regional – KBOI-TV

Posted: February 6, 2017 at 3:23 pm


A Meridian robotics team is putting the final touches on a robot before it competes against several others around the region.

Team 'Bullbots,' based out of Mountain View High School, worked nonstop Saturday building their robot for the Idaho FIRST Robotics Regional Competition.

The robot will be competing against others the weekend of March 30. The goal is to create a 120-pound robot that can hang game elements on pegs, climb a rope, and shoot balls into a goal.

"We just, like, all decided on an idea really fast and we've just been able to go and it worked out very well," said Tiffany Jensen, the Bullbots team mechanical lead. "Our robot is actually going to be really good."

This is Jensen's second year on team Bullbots. She's been climbing the ranks and now leads a team of mechanics.

There are only a handful of girls on the team, and Jensen hopes her leadership will encourage other females to join.

The FIRST Robotics Competition provides a hands on approach to learning science, technology, engineering and math. Students also learn programming and electric work.

"I learn a lot more here than I usually do in school honestly," said Egan Schafer, the Bullbots team programming lead.

Originally posted here:

Meridian robotics team gears up for Idaho FRC Regional - KBOI-TV

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