Will the Jan. 6 prisoner movement make it to the Republican National Convention stage? – Semafor

Posted: June 22, 2024 at 11:26 am

Donald Trump has loudly touted his support for the hundreds of Jan. 6 participants whove faced charges, convictions, and imprisonment all year. Now theyre ready for their close-up at the Republican convention but theres no indication that its coming.

The Republican National Committee and Trump campaign aides are keeping their cards close to the vest on any convention decisions. (An RNC official, when asked about possible plans surrounding Jan. 6 and the convention, said in a statement that speculation on programming and speakers is just that.) But a lawyer whos been a key connector between Jan. 6 defendants and Trumps campaign says hes seen no indication planners are interested in taking up offers to have a speaker representing the cause be featured at the upcoming event.

I made a few inquiries about that, but it didnt really go nowhere, said Joseph McBride, who told Semafor back in March that he hoped the movement would have a convention presence. I dont think you have any real interest of anybody outside of the immediate circle at the top.

McBride suggested that activism around Jan. 6 makes a lot of these people uncomfortable, but that the RNC risked ceding ground to their critics to define the movement.

Its unfortunate, but theres a lot of weak people, spineless people in that group, he said. What can you do?

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Will the Jan. 6 prisoner movement make it to the Republican National Convention stage? - Semafor

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