The Sad Truth: Patsy Hazlewood’s Anti-Republican Voting Record – And Response (2) – The Chattanoogan

Posted: March 18, 2022 at 8:14 pm

Patsy Hazlewood has been busily killing or trying to kill - good pieces of Conservative legislation and often finds herself voting with Democrats more than Republicans.

Here are three examples. I could give you more, but I have work to do...

Hazlewood recently voted against a bill that would secure freedom of speech for Conservatives in Tennessee by banning censorship on social media platforms that function as a de facto monopoly. I suppose she does not realize that Conservative voices, candidates and causes are being silenced, censored and banned.

This social media censorship bill passed yesterday despite her opposition.

She voted recently against a bill that would have ended vaccine passports in entertainment venues if those venues receive your tax dollars. I suppose she thinks Republicans with natural immunity or religious objections should fall in line and receive a medical treatment against their will even though we know vaccination does not stop transmission of COVID-19.

his religious and medical freedom bill was killed by her and a handful of other RINOs.

Hazlewood also voted against transparency in school board races, so constituents would know if those running for office were Republicans or Democrats. Apparently, all the forced masking of children, endless quarantining, critical race theory instruction and sexualization of our children pushed by the left isnt something shes worried about. Not something she has noticed as a problem.

This also passed, without her support.

Now, tell me this: Whats the point of running as a Republican if you vote like a Democrat when it really matters most?

Republicans need to pay closer attention to those who glad-hand at GOP events, yet go to Nashville and actively work against the Conservative agenda.

Someone needs to run against Hazelwood in the next available primary before she does more damage to our county and state.

Almost any random Republican with a pulse would be closer to the will of the Republican primary voter.

When you see Patsy out and about, ask her about these votes. Or, better yet, email and call her office. Many do few receive replies.

If you get a reply, please let me know how she justifies her actions.

Brandon Lewis

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Maybe Mrs. Hazlewoods votes as a whole, while not as conservative as youd like, are closer to the Overton Window than yours are.

Mike Willingham

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Knowing that Rep. Patsy Hazlewood is a person of great character and integrity, I believe she considers all sides of an issue in a non-partisan way and votes her conscience which well serves all her constituency and not any one specific group. She is worthy of our trust and gratitude for her years of service.

Lynda Walker

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The Sad Truth: Patsy Hazlewood's Anti-Republican Voting Record - And Response (2) - The Chattanoogan

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