Republican Party of Jackson County holds monthly Executive Committee meeting – Jackson County Sentinel

Posted: June 22, 2024 at 11:27 am

On June 13, the Republican Party of Jackson County had their monthly Executive Committee meeting. At the meeting, they approved the agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the previous meeting on May 9.

First, the Treasurer discussed the financial report. The Treasurer reported that the party had an operating budget of $7,178.54 and a PAC account balance of $12,429.67.

The party then discussed the minutes of the previous meeting where AJ Buckner resigned as chairman and Jason Davidson replaced Buckner. Buckner did not respond to calls from the Jackson County Sentinel as to why he resigned.

The second item for the May 9 meeting mentioned David Blizzard would not be placed on the ballot for Jackson County Board of Education District 1 this fall. They did not discuss why that decision was made.

The May 9 meeting also discussed Peyton Edminston not having enough time to practicing as an attorney to qualify for Circuit Judge. According to the Secretary, John Wahl was supposed to address this issue in the June 13 meeting. Wahl did not address it in his talk to the committee.

In the June 9 new business, Edminston gave his account of his withdrawal of the race for Circuit Judge. Edminston said in his research prior to running for office he, could not get a clear definition as to the statute that rules running for circuit judge. He said after a risk and financial assessment, he decided it was in his best interest to withdraw from the race.

The party then discussed the recent vandalism of John Grahams political signs. The party said they drafted a resolution condemning the actions and will send a copy of this resolution to the Alabama State Republican Committee as well as Judge Graham. The resolution was passed in the meeting. Sheriff Rocky Harnen said investigators into the matter have no evidence to suspect anyone from Edminstons political team that it was probably some other group involved.

Senator Steve Livingston then gave an update on the state gambling bill. He said the bill failed. He said in the latest session there were over 800 bills discussed with most of them passing. It was then discussed that there will be a bill on the ballot for voters to decide if mayors can receive state retirement benefits.

The Commission then delivered their report of Jackson County. Bill Nance first said that recently retired county administrator, Bob Manning, has had a heart attack and was in serious condition. Nance also gave a tornado update and road update. He thanked the mayor of Henagar for assistance in cleanup efforts. He said some contracts are still under negotiation and it will be reported at the next commission meeting. Several party members discussed work on the Jackson County Courthouse. Sheriff Harnen said looking at the foundation is scary but he is thankful for the Commissions work into the updates.

At the end of the meeting, John Wahl spoke. His overall message for the Executive Committee was for Conservatives to be bold. He also said, Government governs best that governs local. The closer you can get to the individual, the better it is. He said the party needed to focus on local community, family units and faith in God.

Continued here:

Republican Party of Jackson County holds monthly Executive Committee meeting - Jackson County Sentinel

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