Readers respond: Republicans must do the right thing –

Posted: January 26, 2020 at 11:41 pm

I just watched Sen. Mitch McConnells opening remarks for the impeachment trial of the president. He stated, Our founders trusted the Senate to rise above short-term passions and factionalism. They trusted the Senate to soberly consider what has actually been proven and which outcome best serves the nation.

Trump tried to coerce foreign interference and sought to cheat in our 2020 election, and he endangered our national security by doing so. I watched and heard the witnesses in the House show over and over again just how true this was. If Trump is innocent, conducting a fair trial shouldn't be a problem. Invite the witnesses, hear what happened. Evidence from House impeachment as well as new evidence must be considered, given we hear new evidence almost daily.

We citizens know McConnell isn't being truthful when he says the House did not fairly present the case against the president. The senator gave an oath more than once. He claims to be a Christian, yet seems to ignore all the un-Christian-like and illegal behavior of the president. He should do the right thing and hold a fair trial. Trump is bringing down the Republican Party and our countrys values with corruption. I believe in Americas values and feel we must remove this president now. I hope the Republicans overcome their short-term passions and the factionalism they have helped cause in our country. They must do the right thing.

Kim Lawler, Beaverton

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Readers respond: Republicans must do the right thing -

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