The human race have reached a critical turning point – News24

Posted: April 19, 2017 at 9:51 am

We have reached a critical point in our society where the fundamental tenets of humanism and rationalism are under siege by both left- and right-wing fundamentalists who seek to enforce their views on others through emotion laden rhetoric that serves no other purpose other than to distract from factual evidence which nullifies their twisted view on the world.

The very paradigm of humanistic rationalism seeks to establish neutrality and unbiased views but is threatened by nonsensical reasoning motivated by fearmongering. To divide the populous of a nation is the very first step in establishing a people who are so blinded by fear of the other side that they will blindly follow irrational and dangerous rhetoric; dangerous because if one looks at history all major conflicts in the history of humanity started with a divide between people on the concepts by which society should function. The idea that we arent one with each other, that ethnical and racial superiority is a viable fact, this is what is leading to the demise of humanity as a whole.

Authors such as Naomi Klein and Noam Chomsky have committed themselves to educating the populous on the dangers of dehumanising other groups of people based on whatever irrational fear. Karl Marlantes, in his brilliant book What It Is Like To Go To War perfectly illustrates the dangers of this dehumanisation of people and what it will ultimately lead to: senseless killing and destruction. Marlantes is particularly good at articulating his viewpoint due to the fact that he himself fought in Vietnam and experienced the devastating psychological aftermath of war.

Humans are the most loving yet the most hateful species in the history of what is now a disastrous world. We love to the point where our fear tells us it isnt safe which in turn causes us to turn to hatred as a sort of defence mechanism against our perceived threats. Humans hate what they dont understand. We love what we think we understand. We view the world through a very narrow prism that leads us to believe that our view and only ours is the default setting according to which the world functions and should function. We fail to comprehend or even attempt to comprehend perspectives that threaten our own comfort zone; perspectives that lead us to believe that our bubble is under siege.

It is a critical and indeed a non-negotiable prerequisite that, to view the world through an open-minded prism which is built on the foundations of rationality and neutrality, we need to embrace different perspectives. It is through this embracement that we as the human race develop new ways of thinking which, if utilised correctly by way of a humanitarian mindset, we moved forward unto greener pastures. But we can only move forward if all of humanity moves forward.

It is no myth that deeply embedded structural inequalities that favour the bourgeoisie and show contempt to the proletariat (excuse the pinch of Marxism) have lead us to the point where only a small minority of humans are moving forward and leaving the rest behind. The elite view those left behind as an anchor that is keeping humanity from moving forward and instead of raising the anchor, they are simply trying to cut it loose and leave it in the dark depths of poverty and despair. The other 99% is essentially dehumanised by the 1%; the former is seen as subhuman and not worth saving.

Unfortunately, those who criticise unregulated capitalism and corporate greed which are the very foundations on which the 1%/99% divide is built on are deemed Marxists by default. It is this black and white thinking which perfectly illustrates the need to embrace alternative perspectives in order to keep humanity from stagnating. We have been indoctrinated by to think that we are immune to failure. We have been taught to believe that we as humans have total control over our destiny and that Mother Nature and the rest of our world is but mere pawns in our game of seize and control. It is only when we are shocked beyond comprehension by disaster that we realise we are not as immune to failure and destruction as we have been led to believe. Embracing alternative views as viable prisms through which the world can be viewed will naturally lead to us being able to foresee the inevitable failure of our very narrow-minded worldviews.

Throughout history countries such as the US of A have been on a global rampage with the sole objective of control over our precious globe. They have twisted the concepts of globalism and internationalism as something which entails war and oppression by default. This is one of the key reasons why so many people are against any societal structure that seeks to give all humans social mobility. They see it as a means of control over their lives since this is what mainstream media and regimes like the US and Israel need people to believe. Divide and conquer is no mere expression.

It is reality. A handful divide and millions if not billions are conquered. A perfect example of the aforementioned would be the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The two-state solution which was put to vote in the UN Security Council won by a margin of 165-26. However, the resolution did not pass since one of the six states not in favour of it, the US, has the massively unfair privilege of a veto right.

One country decides the fate of the Palestinian people. A fate so abhorrent in nature that it is almost impossible to conceive how a country could be able to oppress another country like they do. Once again it all comes down to dehumanisation. The people of Vietnam were dehumanised. The people of Iraq were dehumanised. Everyone who is deemed a threat by the largest oil company/military-industrial complex in the world (the US and cos empire) is dehumanised and viewed as disposable liabilities. Since when does "helping" other nations give a nation more control over those nations in need of help? Since when does the guilty party that put a nation in dire straits have the privilege of deciding latters fate? The US likes to parade themselves as the saviour of the globe. They fail to realise that true heroes lend a helping hand without expecting anything in return.

We as the human race have reached a critical turning point: will we allow the elitists to exercise their unfair privilege to the detriment of us all or will we stand up and speak for those who have been driven to the depths of despair, unable to be heard? Will we fight for the visions of those such as Einstein, Chomsky and Kennedy or will we allow the destruction of humanity to continue rolling on? These are the uncomfortable questions that need to be asked and the answer given should be in favour of all of humanity, otherwise we are doomed to rot under the oppressive regime of the 1%.

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The human race have reached a critical turning point - News24

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